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  • Ruby 2.6.6
  • PostgreSQL
  • NodeJS 12.14.x
  • Yarn 1.16.x

Setting up the app in development

  1. Run bundle install to install the gem dependencies
  2. Run yarn to install node dependencies
  3. Run bin/rails db:setup to set up the database development and test schemas, and seed with test data
  4. Run bundle exec rails server to launch the app on http://localhost:3000
  5. Run ./bin/webpack-dev-server in a separate shell for faster compilation of assets

Running specs, linter(without auto correct) and annotate models and serializers

bundle exec rake

Running specs

bundle exec rspec


It's best to lint just your app directories and not those belonging to the framework, e.g.

bundle exec govuk-lint-ruby app config db lib spec Gemfile --format clang -a


bundle exec govuk-lint-sass app/webpacker/styles

Security vulnerabilites scanner

Brakeman is a static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.

To get the report simply run:



  brakeman -o report.html

(if you want a report in a nicer format).

Please check for more details.

Database Setup

The setup consists of two databases, the primary database, which contains modifiable data for job profiles and skills, and the restricted database which contains user relevant data.

Migrations relevant to the primary database reside in the db/migrate folder, while the restricted database migrations in db/restricted_migrate. See database.yml for more details

To run the setup for each database separately append the name of the database to the command, example:


If general commands are run without appending the name, setup is done for both databases and migrations.

Importing data

Scraped content

Job profiles, categories and skills are imported by screen scraping the National Careers Service "Explore My Careers" site (with consent).

The rake tasks assume no existing data is present. To clear any existing data (USE WITH CAUTION!) run:

  bundle exec rails db:drop db:create db:schema:load

To import the data into an empty database run:

  bundle exec rails data_import:import_sitemap
  bundle exec rails data_import:scrape_categories
  bundle exec rails data_import:scrape_job_profiles

Alternatively for development mode only, it's possible to create random data created using Faker and factories by running:

  bundle exec rails db:seed

If job profiles have been previously scraped and content is populated, it's possible to run the following rake task to refresh the persisted job profile attributes (e.g. name, description, skills, salary_min, salary_max etc.):

  bundle exec rails data_import:refresh_job_profiles

Recommended job profiles

The service is intended for users without degrees, so should not recommend future job roles that require a degree level qualification. Job profiles include a recommended attribute for this purpose, that is respected by the skills matcher when computing matches.

The list of job profiles that require a degree has been manually curated by reviewing each of the current job roles scraped from NCS site. A rake task allows setting the recommended attribute correctly for known job profiles. Any new job profiles that are discovered during subsequent scraping will be excluded by default, but can manually be recommended via the admin interface.

Once job profiles have been scraped from NCS, run the relevant rake task (a one off exercise):

  bundle exec rails data_import:update_recommended_job_profiles

Skills rarity

The skills are each associated with one or more job profiles and used to generate matching job profiles within the skills matcher. When job profiles have the same number of shared skills and identical growth prospects, then skills rarity (or ranked rareness) is used to further order skills matcher results. The rarity score is precalculated and held against each skill by running the rake task:

  bundle exec rails data_import:update_skills_rarity

Additional job profile data

Growth information and SOC codes for job profiles are imported via an Excel spreadsheet and used to update specific attributes of existing job profiles matched by name (i.e. these must have been previously imported by running the scraping tasks). Copy the relevant spreadsheet locally and then run rake task:

  bundle exec rails "data_import:import_job_growth['Job growth 05082019.xlsx']"

Hidden alternative titles and Job Profile Specialism for job profiles are used to improve search results and are imported via an Excel spreadsheet. This updates existing job profiles matched by slug so job profiles must have been previously imported by running the scraping tasks. Copy the relevant spreadsheet locally and then run the rake task:

  bundle exec rails "data_import:import_job_additional_data['JobProfileAdditionalData.xlsx']"

Hierarchy and Sector keywords for job profiles are used to improve search results and are imported via an Excel spreadsheet. This updates existing job profiles matched by name and alternative title so job profiles must have been previously imported by running the scraping tasks. Copy the relevant spreadsheet locally and then run the rake task:

  bundle exec rails "data_import:import_search_job_profiles['job_profile_word_count_with_alternatives_v3.xlsx']"

These tasks will produce console output detailing any job profiles that were not found and stats for job profiles that are missing information. The rake tasks can be run multiple times without issue but will throw an error if used in production mode.

Map existing skills to master skills

The relevance of suggested job profile matches based on user skills input can be improved if the existing skills are mapped to synonym skills. The advantage of this approach is that skills that are worded differently but are actually the same skill can be used to improve the user skill matching score, therefore improving the quality of job profile recommendations. Copy the relevant spreadsheet that contains the mapping locally and then run the rake task:

  bundle exec rails "rake data_import:import_master_skills_mapping[master_skills.xlsx]"

Feedback surveys and user personal data

Test data for both FeedbackSurvey and UserPersonalData models can be setup by running this rake task:

  bundle exec rails data_import:sample_admin_data

Note this appends further random data each time the rake task is called


Database schema

A database schema diagram can be generated by running:

bundle exec rails erd

This will output two files named primary_erd.pdf and 'restricted_erd.pdf` corresponding to the two databases. These files should not be added to git as they can be generated on demand.

Graphviz also needs to be installed (brew install graphviz) for this to work. For more details see: