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Rashed edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 5 revisions


The Tracker presents aid information primarily in two ways: by location and by sectors. A sector is an unit of financial spending. A sector may contain other sectors. As an example, the sector 'Disaster' comprises of 'Disaster prevention and preparedness', 'Emergency Response' and 'Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation'. Currently the sector hierarchy in the Tracker is upto 3 levels. The top-level sectors that are displayed on the homepage are aggregated from sub-sectors. As an example, by selecting the sector "Disaster" (from the data of FY 13/14), we can see that this headline is made up from Disaster prevention and preparedness (5.11%), Emergency response (91.59%) and reconstruction relief and rehabilitation (3.31%). If we then look at the next level down on for example, by selecting Emergency response, we can see that it is made up of sub-sectors of Emergency food aid (36.56%), Material relief assistance and services (51.80%) and Relief co-ordination; protection and support service (16.64%).

The headline £figure on the home page is calculated using these projects’ budget for the current financial year and multiplying it by the specified sector %. So if for example, we select to look at all Disaster projects by the highest budget first, we can see that the UK contribution to CERF (project ID 110686) has a projected project budget in FY of approx. £70m. and that 57.89% of the overall project budget has been identified as being spent on the Emergency food aid sector – so around £40.5m will be used in the aggregated calculation to give the overall headline figure. Please note data (% value etc) in this example has been taken from FY[13/14].

Technical Details

Sector data in 'Mongo' collections

The following collections contain sector related aggregated information:

  • sector-hierarchies
  • sector-breakdowns
  • project-sector-budgets


Contains high level sector data loaded from a csv file (src/migrator/src/migrator/src/main/resource/sector_hierarchies.csv). Following is an example of a document (an entry) in this collection:

“highLevelCode” : NumberLong(1), “highLevelName” : “Education” “categoryCode” : NumberLong(111), “categoryName” : “Education, level unspecified”, “sectorCode” : NumberLong(11110), “sectorName” : “Education policy and administrative management”, “sectorDesc” : “….education activities”.


The collection stores sector information by country. All GB-1 activities with hierarchy level 2 are considered to create this breakdown. Here is an example (an arbitrary entry in the collection):

“country” : “PK” “sector” : “72010” “name” : “Material relief assistance and services” “total” : “56”

There are 56 sector information for sector code 72010 in the activities for the country Pakistan (country code PK).


This collection stores sector wise GB-1 project’s contribution. Project id is taken from type 1 related-activity. The total amount is the summation of budget-values (multiplied by percentage if exists). Date value comes from the start date (period-start) of budget. Let us consider following:

<iati-activity last-updated-datetime="2013-12-06T04:04:27" xml:lang="en" default-currency="GBP" hierarchy="2"> <reporting-org ref="GB-1" type="10">Department for International Development</reporting-org> <sector code="15110" percentage="25">Public sector policy and administrative management</sector> <sector code="15111" percentage="20">Public finance management</sector> <sector code="15112" percentage="20">Decentralisation and support to subnational government</sector> <sector code="15113" percentage="20">Anti-corruption organisations and institutions</sector> <sector code="16020" percentage="15">Employment policy and administrative management</sector> <budget type="Original"> <period-start iso-date="2007-04-01"/> <period-end iso-date="2008-03-31"/> <value value-date="2007-08-01" currency="GBP">991448</value> </budget> <budget type="Revised"> <period-start iso-date="2008-04-01"/> <period-end iso-date="2009-03-31"/> <value value-date="2007-08-01" currency="GBP">500000</value> </budget> <related-activity ref="GB-1-103989" type="1">Public Sector Reform II (FA)</related-activity> </iati-activity>

This is a sample activity that contains sector and budget information. The aggregation is done to store the project “GB-1-103989”’s contribution (based on the corresponding % associated with each sector) on sectors 15110, 15111, 15112, 15113 and 16020 are calculated on dates 2007-04-01 and 2008-04-01. The corresponding aggregated data (in mongo) look followings:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc146f"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Anti-corruption organisations and institutions", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15113), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(198289), "date" : "2007-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc1470"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Public finance management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15111), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(100000), "date" : "2008-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc1486"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Decentralisation and support to subnational government", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15112), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(198289), "date" : "2007-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc1487"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Public finance management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15111), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(198289), "date" : "2007-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc1495"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Public sector policy and administrative management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15110), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(247862), "date" : "2007-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc14a0"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Employment policy and administrative management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(16020), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(148717), "date" : "2007-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc14b3"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Anti-corruption organisations and institutions", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15113), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(100000), "date" : "2008-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc14b4"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Decentralisation and support to subnational government", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15112), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(100000), "date" : "2008-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc14c6"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Public sector policy and administrative management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(15110), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(125000), "date" : "2008-04-01" }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("530081d9cfa4c63c4edc14ce"), "projectIatiId" : "GB-1-103989", "sectorName" : "Employment policy and administrative management", "sectorCode" : NumberLong(16020), "sectorBudget" : NumberLong(75000), "date" : "2008-04-01" }

So this is basically showing project GB-1-103989’s contribution on above mentioned sectors during FY 07/08 and 08/09.


What is 'Top 5 things we do' in the landing page?

These are the top level sectors. Only top five (based on aggregated budget amount) are shown. The aggregation is done based on current financial year, so budget values (for a sector) that do not fall inside the financial year are not considered to produce this £amount.