Instructions on how to setup the Node.js server in a localhost:3000 server:
1.) Open cmd (run as administrator to avoid admin restriction access)
2.) Navigate to the project folder of the code
NOTE: For Steps 3, and 5-10, please do not include the quotation marks of what is needed to be inputted in the cmd program!
3.) Type: "npm init"
4.) Use defaults on the information being asked
5.) To install express, type: "npm install express --save"
6.) To install handlebars, type: "npm install hbs"
7.) To install mongoose, type: "npm install mongoose"
8.) To install express-validator, type: "npm install express-validator"
9.) To install bcrypt for hashing, type: "npm install bcrypt"
10.) To install express-session, type: "npm install express-session"
11.) Run the server by typing: "node index.js". The output should show "app listening at port 3000".
12.) Go to your website browser and type "localhost:3000" to run the code.