v2.0.0 rewrite!
Enabling/disabling enchantments in certain worlds/globally is now built into the plugin. (#94 )
Added a remote enchant disabler for emergency situations (disable affects all servers).
Custom enchantments that are disabled will not have their tasks enabled.
Execution chances of enchantments are now configurable.
Custom enchantments are now registered into PocketMine-MP.
Now using Commando virion for command handling.
The form version of /ce has been improved upon.
Explosive enchants now have a toggle for world damage.
Added checks for applying books. (#209 )
Parachute now uses negative Levitation effect to simulate slow falling.
Fixed a few CE descriptions
Fixed issue where throwing a projectile and switching to a different weapon would trigger the custom enchants of that weapon. (#157 )
Fixed "WitherSkull Enchant does not apply Wither Effect." (#182 )
Fixed pigs/wither skulls remaining. (#189 )
"Maximum -5 is less than the minimum 0" issue has been fixed. (#211 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.