- endpoints - All of these routes require WHMCS authentication before access
- addonActivate - Create/Updates an addon account, gives it a fake entry until user scans a badge
- addonCancel - "Suspends" a badge, disables AD addon account
- clientAdd - Webhook from whmcs that creates / updates a user in the local database, and the active directory
- clientChangePassword - Webhook, handles a password change update to AD, also handles if the account doesn't exist in AD
- clientEdit - Updates local maker manager database with new client data from WHMCS, also updates ActiveDirectory
- invoicePaid - Currently does nothing
Modules are primary account bound, incoming data creates a badge directly tied to the account holder
- moduleCreate - Modules are primary account bound, incoming data creates a badge directly tied to the account holder
- moduleSuspend - Disable all badges and active directory accounts associated with the service
- moduleTerminate - Disable all badges and active directory accounts associated with the service and delete all immediate badge records
- moduleUnsuspend - Enable all badges and active directory accounts associated with the service
docker run \
--volume /test_ldap_data/schema:/etc/ldap/schema \
osixia/openldap:1.2.0 --copy-service --loglevel debug