This project is a Git-like version control system for Java data models, enabling users to automatically track changes
across different copies of the same model, with only minimal modifications to the data model needed. This allows thread-safe manipulation as well as offering
a range of other features related to tracking, saving and restoring states of a data model.
The system leverages reflections and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to allow these features to work for arbitrary
data models defined within the provided framework, with only minor restrictions. Once tracking is enabled for a defined
data model, any changes made to the model are detected and tracked automatically, with no explicit logging or function
calling required.
- Automatic tracking and synchronization of changes across different workcopies of a data model using operations like commit and pull
- Ability to save states and use redo/undo operations
- Automatic cloning (deep copying) of the data model
- JSON serialization and deserialization
- Wrapper mechanism to attach decorator objects to data model classes, with the ability to get notified when the underlying object changes or is removed
All these features are available while allowing the creation of highly complex data models including the use of:
- Abstract classes
- Weak and circular references
- Polymorphic parents (classes that can have different owner types depending on its location in the model structure)
- Arbitrary data types (including custom immutable objects)
- Collections, Maps, Arrays and direct references to other data model classes (Lists not possible)
- Usage of data model classes as map keys
- Object's lifetimes are coupled to owner
- container can only hold
s - Lists are not supported
To use TreeTools for your data model, I recommend creating your data model as a separate project. This is because TreeTools uses AOP and compile-time weaving to inject additional code into your data model classes at compile time to allow the automatic tracking of changes. By separating your data model into its own project, you can build it as a local library, which, being prebuilt, contains the modified code.
To use TreeTools for your data model, build it as a mavenLocal
artifact and import it:
Clone the TreeTools repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory and run the publishToMavenLocal gradle task:
cd ArpackJ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Create a dedicated project and move your data model to it. Modify the
file to allow aspectJ weaving:plugins { id 'java-library' // Project is a library id 'maven-publish' // Used for publishing to maven local id 'io.freefair.aspectj' version '6.4.3' // Add the freefair aspectJ plugin } repositories { mavenLocal() // TreeTools will be imported from local repository ... } // Tell aspectJ plugin where to look for classes that may need weaving sourceSets.main.aspectj.srcDir "src/main/java" sourceSets.test.aspectj.srcDir "src/test/java" // Configure path of woven classes compileAspectj { destinationDirectory.set(new File("build\\classes\\java\\main")) println "destinationDirectory = " + destinationDirectory.get() } dependencies { implementation group: 'net.scoreworks', name: 'TreeTools', version: '1.1.0' .... } // For publishing data model as local library java { withSourcesJar() // Provide .java classes in sources.jar } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from } } }
In your main project, it is enough to import your data model after publishing:
repositories { mavenLocal() // Don't forget to add mavenLocal again as repository ... } dependencies { implementation group: 'com.example', name: 'YourDataModel', version: 'some.version.number' .... }
For an in-depth tutorial on how to set up your data model classes to work with TreeTools see the dedicated Tutorial.
Changes made to a data model are not tracked by default. This enables the user to use transactions (that come
with some overhead), only where needed. To enable transactions for your data model, get an instance of the global
and enable transactions for your data model:
TransactionManager tm = TransactionManager.getInstance();
Under the hood, the system will now create a Repository
for your data model's RootEntity
. A repository acts as a wrapper
that connects your data model with a special two-way map, referred to as Remote
, that connects each data model object
to an immutable object state that is detached from actual object changes.
Any local changes made to the data model are tracked by the remote. Only when commit()
is called, these local changes
are packaged as Commit
and the Remote
gets updated.
Note: Engaging transactions will index the classes of your data model once using reflections. If your data model violates the data model requirements of this system, an
will be thrown. Indexing also happens when using other features, such as JSON serialization.
Now that transactions are properly set up, we can use the system to create a deep copy of the original data model. This is
particularly useful for enabling another thread to read the copy—for example, for a view—while allowing the original data
model to be modified concurrently. We obtain such a copy by using the clone()
method. This will create a separate
data model inclusive separate Repository
and Remote
workcopyRoot = (RootClass) tm.clone(originalModelRootInstance);
Now we can operate on the original model, while the workcopy can be safely accessed. After some changes are made, they can be committed to the remote. Our workcopy is still not modified by this.
To synchronize the workcopy with the recently committed changes, our reading thread should call workcopyRoot.pull()
at regular intervals (e.g. before drawing). This will fetch available commits from the TransactionManager
and apply the changes to the workcopy.
Congratulations, the workcopy is now up to date with the original data model!
We can use the TransactionManager
again to enable the usage of undos/redos:
Now you can archive a version of the data model by calling tm.createUndoState()
. Under the hood, the TransactionManager
will keep a squash commit around, that captures all the commited changes since the last undo state (or beginning of transactions).
Use originalModelRootInstance.undo()
and originalModelRootInstance.redo()
to visit these preserved states.
Changes introduced to the original data model by undo/redo can be pulled by workcopies like any other commit.
If you want to stop using transactions you should call tm.shutdown()
to properly remove all references to workcopies
and commits.
This project also supports the serialization and deserialization of your data model, enabling you to save it externally, such as in a database. This functionality can be used independently of the transaction system. To create a JSON string from your data model, simply call:
String json = JsonParser.toJson(fullScore, true); // Using pretty printing
To load a data model from a json string, use the JsonParser
RootClass root = JsonParser.fromJson(json, RootClass.class);
In practice, data models are often used in different domains that require additional data to be associated with data model
classes. This is often achieved using a Decorator pattern or wrapper class. Let's imagine your data model is
used in some kind of view and therefore needs to store additional view-specific data with concrete data model objects.
However, these wrappers also need to be informed when the underlying object changes or gets deleted (for example to recompute
a layout or visual attributes).
TreeTools provides a special wrapper mechanism for that. Every MutableObject extends a special Wrappable interface which
allows for the creation of wrappers that observe state changes of the wrapped class.
To create a wrapper class, simply extend the Wrapper<Type>
base class with the specific data class type you want to wrap.
You can access the wrapped object using the getWrapped()
getter. You also can override the onWrappedRemoved()
functions to listen to state changes and the deletion of the wrapped object. Once a wrapper class is not needed anymore,
it can be removed using the remove()
To instantiate a wrapper, both the wrapped class and a WrapperScope
are required. WrapperScope
s act as "categories"
for a specific wrapper domain and provide direct access to all wrappers of this scope. For our running view example, let's
create a WrapperScope
that represents the view. This class will contain a map that saves our view-specific wrappers.
It should exist as long as we want to use the view (e.g. survive configuration changes):
public class ViewScope implements WrapperScope {
// WrapperScope must provide the underlying map that maps wrappers to their wrapped objects
private final Map<MutableObject, Wrapper<?>> registeredWrappers = new HashMap<>();
public Map<MutableObject, Wrapper<?>> getRegisteredWrappers() {
return registeredWrappers;
// It is good practise to add the wrapper to the RootEntity in the constructor
public WrapperScope(FullScore fullScore) {
are saved in the data model's RootEntity
. Therefore, it is good practice to add the created scope class
to the model root upon creation.
With a scope created, we can now instantiate wrapper classes. Data model classes can access attached wrappers of a specific
scope using
the getRegisteredWrapper(WrapperScope scope)
A data model can have an arbitrary number of specific domains (each contributing a WrapperScope
instance). Because all
wrappers are saved in the corresponding WrapperScope
, simply calling removeWrapperScope(WrapperScope scope)
in the
is enough to remove all references to wrappers of this domain.
See treetools/WrapperTests
in the test source set for a complete code example.