The Movie Recommendation System develops a movie recommendation system for a streaming platform. The recommendation system leverages collaborative filtering techniques, utilizing user ratings and movie genre data to generate personalized movie recommendations.
This project is a comprehensive MLOps implementation designed to enhance user experience by suggesting movies that align with individual tastes. This project is based on the MovieLens 20M Dataset.
The Movie Recommendation System has been developed by:
-Dennis Rothfuss
-Eva Losada Barreiro
Figure 1. Movie Recommendation System architecture
To be able to map the whole workflow and lifecycle of a MLOPS project we decided to use the following systems and modules:
- We build a custom Rest API for the recommendations (model predictions) called Model_API using python and FastAPI.
- To ensure that the functionality still works after doing changes we have built a CI pipeline with GitHub Actions which runs the unit tests after every code change.
- As we use Docker to build our environment we also created a CD pipeline which builds a docker image for the Model_API and uploads the image to DockerHub.
- To run the whole environment we are using Docker-Compose with several containers, including our Model_API container as well as a DB container, a PGAdmin container (GUI for our DB) and several Airflow Containers.
- To preprocess new raw data and to retrain our Model we created a workflow in Airflow which processed the new data, stores it in our Database, retrains the model and replaces the old model if the new models performs better.
- Replacing the model in the API is done without interruption as we are using a shared volume between Airflow and the Model_API and then triggering the API to just load the new model while running.
├── workflows/
│ ├── build-and-push-dockerimages.yml
│ └── python-app.yml
├── .gitkeep
├── model.pkl
├── .gitkeep
├── .gitkeep
├── figures/
│ └── .gitkeep
├── data/
│ ├── .gitkeep
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── features/
│ ├── .gitkeep
│ ├──
│ └──
├── model_api/
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ └──
├── models/
│ ├── .gitkeep
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── visualization/
│ ├──
│ └── config
├── airflow_logs/
│ └── .gitkeep
├── dags/
│ ├── .gitkeep
│ └──
├── db/
│ └── .gitkeep
├── db_admin/
│ └── .gitkeep
├── models
│ └── .gitkeep
Running the Model_API
application in development
mode means to run the application locally without using Docker.
To run the application in development
mode you need to follow the following steps:
python -m venv my_env
. my_env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r src/model_api/requirements.txt
3- Execute to import the 4 datasets (say yes when it asks you to create a new folder)
python src/data/
export ADMIN_USERNAME=admin
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
cd src/model_api
6- After starting the application the Rest API Documentation is available here: Model_API
To adjust the workflow we have built in airflow you can change the DAG developed in volumes/dags/
Running the application in our production
like environment means to run it using the docker-compose environment we build.
To run the application and the airflow workflow you can follow the following steps:
docker-compose up -d
Go to the admin -> connections tab and add a new connection. The connection id needs to be set to file_system
and the type to File [Path]
, then save the connection.