Make training a smooth process...#NoMoreVMs
A container system for teaching Linux based software with minimal participation and
configuration effort. The participation barrier is set very low, students only need an SSH client.
- Event training
- Staff training
- Capture the flag competitions
- Trying out tools in a containerized environment
- Development environments
You can quickly try out ISLET on some of my dev systems. Password is demo
ssh [email protected]
ssh [email protected]
Installation of ISLET is very simple and it can be done in two ways:
On the host operation system
make install
Or as a Docker container which requires little to no modification to the host
make install-contained
Target: | Description: |
install | Install ISLET: install-files + configuration |
install-contained | Install ISLET as a container, no modification to host system |
update | Downloads and install new code (custom changes to default files will be overwritten) |
uninstall | Uninstall ISLET (Recommended to backup your stuff first) |
mrproper | Removes files that did not come with the source |
install-docker | Installs latest Docker from Docker repo (Debian/Ubuntu only) |
docker-config | Reconfigures Docker storage backend to limit container and image sizes |
user-config | Configures a user account called demo w/ password dem |
security-config | Configures sshd and pam_limits with islet relevant security in mind |
iptables-config | Installs iptables ruleset |
GNU make accepts arguments if you want a customized installation (not supported):
make install INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/islet USER=training
make user-config INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/islet USER=training PASS=training
make security-config INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/islet USER=training
make uninstall INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/islet USER=training
Variable: | Description: |
CONFIG_DIR | ISLET config files directory (def: /etc/islet) |
INSTALL_DIR | ISLET installation directory (def: /opt/islet) |
CRON | Directory to place islet crontab file (def: /etc/cron.d) |
USER | User account created with user-config target (def: demo) |
PASS | User account password created with user-config target (def: demo) |
SIZE | Maximum container and image size with configure-docker target (def: 2G) |
IPTABLES | Iptables ruleset (def: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables-rules) |
NAGIOS | Location of nagios plugins (def: /usr/local/nagios/libexec) |
PORT | The SSH port on the host when installing ISLET as a container (def: 2222) |
PACKAGE | Type of package to build for make package (def: deb) |
Updating an existing ISLET installation is very simple:
For an existing host installation (make install
make update
For an existing container installation (make install-contained
docker pull jonschipp/islet
- Linux, Bash, Cron, OpenSSH, Make, SQLite, and Docker
The configure script will check for dependencies
Typically all you need is make, sqlite, and docker (for Debian/Ubuntu):
apt-get install make sqlite
make install-docker
The included installation scripts are designed to work with Debian/Ubuntu systems.
Note: Installing ISLET as container (make install-contained
) only requires Docker
The following make targets will install docker and configure the system with security in mind for the Docker process. It is designed to be a quick way to get a working system with a good configuration.
Install ISLET on the host:
make install-docker # Installs latest Docker
make configure-docker # Limits image and container sizes by rebuilding storage backend (Skip if using Docker 1.4+)
make security-config # Configure islet relevant security with sshd and pam_limits
Install ISLET as a container on the host:
make install-docker # Installs latest Docker
make install-contained # Installs ISLET as a container
For manual installation and configuration of dependencies to your liking i.e. not using the system make targets.
- Install Docker:
apt-get install docker
yum install docker
- Configure user account for training (this is given to students to login):
useradd --create-home --shell /opt/islet/bin/islet_shell training
echo "training:training" | chpasswd
groupadd docker
groupadd islet
gpasswd -a training docker
gpasswd -a training islet
See the SECURITY file more information on manually securing the system.
Post-installation first steps
- Set STORAGE_BACKEND in /etc/islet/islet.conf to match your Docker storage driver
docker info | grep Storage
- Change the password for the islet user (default: demo)
passwd demo
- Create a Docker image for your training environment (see Adding Training Environments)
cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
# Build image for C programming
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Jon Schipp <[email protected]>
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" demo
RUN apt-get update -qq
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
RUN apt-get install -y git vim emacs nano tcpdump gawk rsyslog
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends man-db
docker build -t gcc-training - < Dockerfile
- Create an ISLET configuration file for the Docker image (see Adding Training Environments)
make template > /etc/islet/gcc.conf
vim /etc/islet/islet/gcc.conf
# Set IMAGE variable to name of docker image (e.g. gcc-training)
# Set VIRTUSER variable to name of user in docker image that the student will become (e.g. demo)
See Docker's image documentation
Build or pull in a new Docker image
Create an ISLET config file for that image. You can use
make template
for an example. -
Place it in /etc/islet with a .conf extension.
It should now be available from the selection menu upon login.
- Global configuration file: /etc/islet/islet.conf
- Per-image configuration file: /etc/islet/$IMAGE.conf
Per-image configs overwrite the variables specified in the global config file. For each Docker image you want available for use by ISLET, create an image file with a .conf extension and place it in the /etc/islet/ directory. These images will be selectable from the ISLET menu after authentication via SSH.
Common Tasks:
- Add another system account for ISLET (used to remotely access e.g. ssh)
useradd --create-home --shell /opt/islet/bin/islet_shell training
echo "training:training" | chpasswd
gpasswd -a training docker
gpasswd -a training islet
- Change the password of a container user (Not a system account).
$ PASS=$(echo "newpassword" | sha1sum | sed 's/ .*//)
$ sqlite3 /var/tmp/islet.db "UPDATE accounts SET password='$PASS' WHERE user='jon';"
$ sqlite3 /var/tmp/islet.db "SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE user='jon';"
Configure container and user lifetime (e.g. conference duration)
- Specify the number of days for user account and container lifetime in:
$ grep ^DAYS /etc/islet/islet.conf
DAYS=3 # Length of the event in days
Removal scripts are cron jobs that are scheduled in /etc/cron.d/islet
- Allocate more or less resources for containers, and control other container settings.
These changes will take effect for each newly created container.
- System and use case dependent
$ grep -A 5 "Container config /etc/islet/brolive.conf
# Container Configuration
VIRTUSER="demo" # Account used when container is entered (Must exist in container!)
CPU="1" # Number of CPU's allocated to each container
RAM="256m" # Amount of memory allocated to each container
HOSTNAME="bro" # Set hostname in container. PS1 will end up as $VIRTUSER@$HOSTNAME:~$ in shell
NETWORK="none" # Disable networking by default: none; Enable networking: bridge
DNS="" # Use loopback when networking is disabled to prevent error messages from resolver
MOUNT="-v /exercises:/exercises:ro" # Mount point(s), sep. by -v: /src:/dst:attributes, ro = readonly (avoid rw)
OPTIONS="--cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN" # Apply any other options you want passed to Docker run here
MOTD="Training materials are in /exercises" # Message of the day is displayed before container launch and reattachment
Adding, removing, or modifying exercises
- Make changes in /exercises on the host's filesystem
- Changes are immediately available for new and existing containers
The precursor to ISLET was used to aid the instructers in teaching the Bro platform at BroCon14.
- Install ISLET and dependencies
- Build Docker image containing Bro (docker pull broplatform/brolive)
- Write a ISLET config file for the Bro image
- Set a banner in the ISLET config file for light branding (logo)
- Hand out the demo account credentials to your students so they can SSH in
- Instruct them on the software
Here's a brief demonstration:
$ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to Bro Live!
/ \
| ( (0) ) |
| // |
\ <====// /
A place to try out Bro.
Are you a new or existing user? [new/existing]: new
A temporary account will be created so that you can resume your session. Account is valid for the length of the event.
Choose a username [a-zA-Z0-9]: jon
Your username is jon
Choose a password:
Verify your password:
Your account will expire on Fri 29 Aug 2014 07:40:11 PM UTC
Enjoy yourself!
Training materials are located in /exercises.
e.g. $ bro -r /exercises/beginner/http.pcap
demo@bro:~$ pwd
demo@bro:~$ which bro
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