A reagent wrapper for Material UI components.
Thanks to the maintainers of reagent-material, which I basically copied and turned into a package. Thanks also to om-material-ui for providing the build process for the material ui javascript.
Just add [reagent-material-ui "0.2.5"]
to your project.clj
, then require the components like so:
(ns your-project.example
(:require [reagent-material-ui.core :refer [AppBar Card]]))
You can then use the Material UI components as you would normal reagent components. See the Material UI docs for more info about the different components.
The following assumes you've included the font icon css in your project based on the instructions here.
(ns my.project
(:require [reagent-material-ui.core :as ui]))
;; some helpers
(def el reagent/as-element)
(defn icon [nme] [ui/FontIcon {:className "material-icons"} nme])
(defn color [nme] (aget ui/colors nme))
;; create a new theme based on the dark theme from Material UI
(defonce theme-defaults {:muiTheme (ui/getMuiTheme
(-> ui/darkBaseTheme
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
(update :palette merge {:primary1Color (color "amber500")
:primary2Color (color "amber700")})
(defn simple-nav []
(let [is-open? (atom false)
close #(reset! is-open? false)]
(fn []
[ui/AppBar {:title "yipgo" :onLeftIconButtonTouchTap #(reset! is-open? true)}]
[ui/Drawer {:open @is-open? :docked false}
[ui/ListItem {:leftIcon (el [:i.material-icons "home"])
:on-click (fn []
(accountant/navigate! "/")
(for [[doc details] @(rf/subscribe [:docs.list.by-name])]
^{:key doc} [ui/ListItem {:secondaryText "Something something"
:rightIconButton (el [ui/IconMenu {:iconButtonElement (el [ui/IconButton {:touch true} [icon "more_vert"]])}
[ui/MenuItem "Delete"]])
:onTouchTap (fn []
;; some action or another, then close the menu
[new-doc-modal close]]])))
(defn home-page []
[ui/MuiThemeProvider theme-defaults
[:h2 "Welcome to a simple, example application."]]]])