This package is use for check new version available both ios and android. If it has a new version, you can link to app store or play store. But you need to know app id in store first.
See more at the Dart Packages page.
Add force_update as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
forceupdate: ^0.0.5
In main.dart
(or wherever your app is initialized), create an instance of CheckVersion
using your current build context.
final checkVersion = CheckVersion(context: context);
Then now you can get app version status by add this line :
final appStatus = await checkVersion.getVersionStatus();
if (appStatus.canUpdate) {
"com.companyName.projectName", "id1234567890");
print("canUpdate ${appStatus.canUpdate}");
print("localVersion ${appStatus.localVersion}");
print("appStoreLink ${appStatus.appStoreUrl}");
print("storeVersion ${appStatus.storeVersion}");