v2.4.0 (12th October 2023)
A quality improvement tool for Best Practice.
GPstat! interrogates the appointment book, searching for ‘near-future’ opportunities for preventative health, screening, chronic disease management and quality improvement opportunities.
- Medication module (counts and lists medications, by default lists patients with >= 4 medications)
- Custom patient lists
- Compatibility with BP Saffron
- Search for COVID-19 bulk billing incentive opportunities
- Immunization lists (influenza, measles and Zostavax)
- Cancer screening (bowel cancer, breast cancer, cervical screening, measles)
- Quality Improvement Measure 1 to 10 – diabetes, BP, cardiovascular risk, smoking etc..
- Social history and Allergies completion list
- Post-natal list
- Document and PCEHR document display
- Search for terms in progress note 'visits'
- Search for patients in appointment book with large number of medications in medication list
- 'Action' search
Installation documentation (in words)
User manual (in words) - this is a copy of the 'in program' help documentation
Very technical backend documentation (dMeasure)
The ‘bpsrawdata’ database access password(as used by ‘BPbrowser’) is required to configure GPstat! (this is described in the Youtube installation video).
Google Drive link v
Google Drive link v
# version 2.4.0
25th October 2023
## New
* search progress notes in Administration module
# version 2.3.0
13th October 2021
## New
* `sidebarmenuPriority` - optional function in dMeasure modules
+ priority of position in left side bar menu
* support for `Select` extension in `$datatable_styled`
## Change
* Move Appointments tab to `dMeasureAppointments`
* dMeasure module package discovery moved to `dM$read_dMeasureModules`
# version 2.2.2
3rd July 2021
## New
* Display preferences module
+ Initial work to allow display of dates in preferred format e.g. YYYY-mm-dd or dd-mm-YYYY
+ Suggestion of RN Dat Le, thanks!
# version 2.2.1
16th June 2021
## Change
* Configuration file path chooser includes 'Documents' folder
## Bugfix
* proper call to module-specific reads of configuration database (`read_configuration_db`) when new configuration file created
* `userconfig.insert.callback` more graciously handles License Value `NA` (only applicable for empty userconfig)
* Best Practice database chooser responds better to dMeasure initiated change in database choice
+ usually due to incorrect database location description, user or password
# version 2.2.0
1st April 2021
## New
* Search for actions on basis of text in Action text or Comment
+ in `Administration` section
# version 2.1.0
25th October 2020
## Change
* `shinyFeedback` for server choice
# Version 2.0.0
19th August 2020
## New
* 'auto-load' of `dMeasure*` modules
+ this potentially allows auto-loading of user-written custom modules
## Change
* move from `shinycssloaders` to `shinybusy`
## Bugfix
* most recent contact picker
+ limit the minimum of the 'maximum' date of recent contact to
be the same as the 'minimum' date
+ no longer trigger a refresh (set `IgnoreInit = TRUE`) on first sight
# Version 1.6.4
16th July 2020
## New
* myHealth (PCEHR) document display
## Change
* dropdown no longer open a a formal shiny modal. will change settings when closed.
+ use `shinyWidgets::dropMenu` instead of `shinyWidgets::dropdown` where possible
* move web UI of `dMeasureQIM` to `dMeasureQIM`
# Version 1.6.3
12th July 2020
## New
* Search for documents on basis of text in Category, Subject, Detail or Comment
+ in `Administration` section
## Change
* change in date picker restricting dates (`date_b` cannot be less than `date_a`) and
change in date picker restricting dates (`min_date` cannot be less than `max_date`)
+ allows typing in of arbitrary dates, according to restriction
# Version 1.6.2
8th July 2020
## Changes
* Immunizations, Cancer screening, QIM, Administration to show chosen through modal
* change license to Mozilla Public License 2.0
* restrict `BMIvalue` display to one decimal place
* dMeasure 0.9.11 : change to `WeightDone` report, depends on `BMIDate` instead of `WeightDate`
# Version 1.6.1
3rd July 2020
## Changes
* move Billings UI to dMeasureBillings
# Version 1.6.0
27th June 2020
## New
* Support for dMeasureMedication module
* Support for custom patient list module interaction with
configuration SQLite database
## Changes
* speed improvement for Chronic Disease Management (CDM) display
* speed improvement for Billings display
* Viewed billings types changed with modal
* responsibility for CDM module UI moved to module
+ this is what is already used for Medication and Custom modules
* changes for new version of DTedit (v2.0+)
## Bugfixes
* Contact minimum/maximum date not properly initialized at start-up
# Version 1.5.10
20th May 2020
* better restriction of date ranges ('negative' date ranges prevented)
* improved separation of tasks for billings_list
* changes to report specific number of days which are restricted
by lack of registration/subscription as reported by
# Version 1.5.9
29th April 2020
* Download list of configured users, including 'Identifiers'
- for registration/subscription application purposes
* 'bounce' reminder on update_clinicians and update_date
button if chosen clinicians or dates change (shinyjqui effect)
* Contact filter includes date of last contact (minimum and maximum dates)
* chosen clinician list has an 'Update' button
* Billings view adapted to change in billings module (version 0.4.0)
dMeasureBillings::list_billings no longer provides print/HTML tags
use dMeasureBillings::tag_billings_list to add print/HTML tags
** improvement in billings view to reduce time to change from
print to HTML 'button' view
# Version 1.5.8
24th April 2020
* asthma view in Conditions tab
* 'include up-to-date' option for cancer screening
* COVID-19 bulk billing incentive prompt in billing view
* filters for different billing typess (private, WorkCare, DVA, 'bulk'/direct)
in billing view
* fixed logic for updating 'date_to' input on right side-panel