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furrr 0.2.0

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@DavisVaughan DavisVaughan released this 12 Oct 21:51

Breaking changes:

  • All furrr functions now enforce tidyverse recycling rules (for example,
    between .x and .y in future_map2()). Previously this was mostly the
    case, except with size zero input. Recycling between input of size 0 and
    input of size >1 no longer recycles to size 0, and is instead an error.
    purrr will begin to do this as well in the next major release (#134).

  • future_options() has been deprecated in favor of furrr_options().
    Calling future_options() will still work, but will trigger a once per
    session warning and will eventually be removed. This change was made to
    free up this function name in case the future package ever wants to use it.

  • In a future version of furrr, the .progress argument will be deprecated
    and removed in favor of the
    package. The progress bar has not yet been removed in furrr 0.2.0, however
    I would encourage you to please start using progressr if possible. It uses
    a much more robust idea, and has been integrated with future
    in such a way that it can relay near real-time progress updates from
    sequential, multisession, and even cluster futures (meaning that remote
    connections can return live updates). Multicore support will come at some
    point as well. That said, be aware that it is a relatively new package
    and the API is still stabilizing. As more people use it, its place in the
    future ecosystem will become clearer, and tighter integration with furrr
    will likely be possible.

Features / Fixes:

  • New pkgdown article
    on using furrr with progressr
    for generating progress updates.

  • New pkgdown article
    discussing an alternative strategy to automatic globals detection using
    the carrier package.

  • New pkgdown article
    discussing how furrr "chunks" input to send if off to workers.

  • New pkgdown article
    on common gotchas when using furrr.

  • New pkgdown article
    detailing how to use furrr with remote AWS EC2 connections.

  • future_walk() and friends have been added to mirror purrr::walk().

  • furrr_options() now has a variety of new arguments for fine tuning furrr.
    These are based on advancements made in both future and future.apply. The
    most important is chunk_size, which can be used as an alternative
    to scheduling to determine how to break up .x into chunks to send off
    to the workers. See ?furrr_options for full details.

  • future_pmap() and its variants now propagate the names of the first element
    of .l onto the output (#116).

  • future_pmap() and its variants now work with empty list() input (#135).

  • future_modify(), future_modify_if() and future_modify_at() have been
    brought up to date with the changes in purrr 0.3.0 to their non-parallel
    equivalents. Specifically, they now wrap [[<- and return the same type
    as the input when the input is an atomic vector (#119).

  • future_map_if() and future_modify_if() gained the .else argument that
    was added to purrr's map_if() and modify_if() in purrr 0.3.0 (#132).

  • All *_raw() variants from purrr have been added, such as
    future_map_raw() (#122).

  • All furrr functions gained a new argument, .env_globals, which determines
    the environment in which globals for .x and ... are
    looked up. It defaults to the caller environment, which is different than
    what was previously used, but should be more correct in some edge cases.
    Most of the time, you should not have to touch this argument. Additionally,
    globals for .f are now looked up in the function environment of .f
    (futureverse/future.apply#62, #153).

  • The future specific global option future.globals.maxSize now scales with
    the number of elements of .x that get exported to each worker. This
    helps prevent some false positives about exporting objects that are too large,
    and is the same approach taken in future.apply (#113).

  • .x is now searched for globals. Only globals found in the slice of .x
    that corresponds to worker X are exported to worker X. This is relevant if
    .x is, say, a list of functions where each has their own set of globals

  • The progress bar furrr creates now outputs to stderr rather than stdout.

  • The progress bar is now only enabled for multisession, multicore, and
    multiprocess strategies. It has never worked for sequential futures or
    cluster futures using remote connections, but .progress is now forced
    to false in those cases.

  • future_invoke_map() and its variants have been marked as retired to match

  • The internals of furrr have been overhauled to unify the implementations of
    future_map(), future_map2(), future_pmap() and all of their variants.
    This should make furrr much easier to maintain going forward (#44).

  • A MIT license is now used.

Version requirements:

  • rlang >= 0.3.0 is now required to ensure that the rlang ~ is serializable.
    The hacks in furrr that tried to work around this have been removed (#123).

  • future >= 1.19.1 is now required to be able to use future::value() instead
    of the soon to be deprecated future::values() and to access a few bug
    fixes (#108).

  • purrr >= 0.3.0 is now required to gain access to various new features and
    breaking changes. For example, map_if() gained an .else argument, which
    has been added to future_map_if().

  • globals >= 0.13.1 is now required because of substantial new speed boosts
    there related to searching for global variables, and to gain access to a few
    bug fixes.