This repository contains the source code for a Netflix clone web application created by Deepak Shrivas. The project aims to replicate the user interface and functionality of the popular streaming platform, Netflix. It serves as a demonstration of web development skills using the following technologies:
Welcome to the Netflix Clone Web App Repository
This repository contains the source code for a Netflix clone web application, built using HTML and CSS by Deepak Shrivas. The project aims to replicate the user interface and functionality of the popular streaming platform, Netflix.
Explore the code to see how HTML and CSS were used to recreate the immersive experience of browsing movies and TV shows. Whether you're looking to contribute, provide feedback, or use the code as a reference for your own projects, you're welcome to dive in.
Feel free to reach out to the repository maintainer, Deepak Shrivas, for any questions or collaboration opportunities.
2. CSS
1. Responsive design for a seamless experience across devices
2. Display of movies and TV shows with details
3. User-friendly navigation and layout inspired by Netflix.
Contributions to the project are welcome! If you find any issues or have improvements to suggest, please open an issue or create a pull request.
Name - Deepak Shrivas
email - [email protected]
username - deepakshrivas07
Special thanks to Netflix for providing inspiration for this project.
Happy coding! 🚀