As I spent more and more time in the command line, I fancied a quick and easy way to search the news headlines withough having to alt tag away from the cursor. Hence saywhat, a basic command line tool written in node, which can pull down and display news search results, powered by bing.
This programe assumes chrome, node and npm on OSX.
$ git clone git://
$ cd saywhat
$ npm link
First send your query, once you've scanned the results, select the appropiate headline via it's index and pass it back to the under to --read (or -r) flag. The result will be opened in Chrome, if you are logged on to readability you can process the article directly via the link at the top of the page.
$ saywhat [your-search-query]
$ saywhat -r [number]
for example
$ saywhat boris misplaces his johnson
$ saywhat -r 0
Thanks to the creators and ontributers of the following libraries on which this is built.
And of course, node, npm, readability, chrome and bing.