This project uses Vagrant tool to build a local dev environment of the master node, which is also the monitoring node of Desmotes. So in master node, Desmotes project will install and run several tool packages using Ansible
Desmotes Project chooses Vagrant to setup experimental environment for the master node. More extensible Desmotes Project uses:
- Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) / TrustyTahr distro
- Ansible / Provisioning mechanism
Desmotes local dev environment uses Virtual Box as VM provider.
Go to the Desmotes' Vagrant location
cd Desmotes/VagrantMasterNode/
vagrant up
If you want to change something on provision phase after the VM's creation, you have to run the following command in the Desmotes' Vagrant location
cd Desmotes/VagrantMasterNode/
vagrant provision
Based on lifecycle of VM. More information can be found here []
Desmotes service use following MariaDB configuration, which can be found in Wiki here