This example demonstrates how to use WPF Bars in an MVVM application. Bars are bound to commands that allow you to add and remove items from the data source and edit item properties:
The Add button is the BarButtonItem object bound to the AddIssue
View Model command:
<dxb:BarButtonItem x:Name="addItem"
Command="{Binding AddIssueCommand}"
public void AddIssue() {
int newId = Issues.Count == 0 ? 0 : Issues.Max(p => p.Id) + 1;
Issue issue = new Issue() { Id = newId, Subject = "New Issue " + newId,
Completed = false, Priority = Priority.Low };
The Issues
property is the content control's ItemsSource
You can also use the DialogService to invoke a dialog when a user clicks the Add button. For example, to allow users to specify the created item properties.
The Remove button is the BarButtonItem object bound to the RemoveIssue
View Model command:
<dxb:BarButtonItem x:Name="removeItem"
Command="{Binding RemoveIssueCommand}"
public void RemoveIssue() {
public bool CanRemoveIssue() {
return SelectedIssue != null;
The SelectedIssue
is a View Model property bound to the content control's SelectedItem
property (ListBoxEdit.SelectedItem in this example).
The Completed button is the BarCheckItem object that toggles the selected item's Completed
<dxb:BarCheckItem x:Name="completed" Content="Completed"
IsChecked="{Binding SelectedIssue.Completed}"
IsEnabled="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue != null'}"
The Priority button is the BarSubItem object that contains BarCheckItems. This button allows you to specify the selected item's Priority
property value:
<dxb:BarSubItem x:Name="priority" Content="Priority"
IsEnabled="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue != null'}">
<dxb:BarCheckItem Content="Low" GroupIndex="0" Background="Green" Foreground="White"
Command="{DXCommand Execute='SelectedIssue.Priority = $local:Priority.Low'}"
IsChecked="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue.Priority == $local:Priority.Low', Mode=OneWay}"/>
<dxb:BarCheckItem Content="Normal" GroupIndex="0" Background="Orange" Foreground="White"
Command="{DXCommand Execute='SelectedIssue.Priority = $local:Priority.Normal'}"
IsChecked="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue.Priority == $local:Priority.Normal', Mode=OneWay}"/>
<dxb:BarCheckItem Content="High" GroupIndex="0" Background="Red" Foreground="White"
Command="{DXCommand Execute='SelectedIssue.Priority = $local:Priority.High'}"
IsChecked="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue.Priority == $local:Priority.High', Mode=OneWay}"/>
Refer to the following help topics for more information: DXBinding, DXCommand, and Language Specification.
The Tags selector is the BarEditItem object with the embedded Checked Token Combo Box. This element allows you to assign multiple tags to the selected item:
<dxb:BarEditItem x:Name="tags" Content="Tags: "
EditValue="{Binding SelectedIssue.Tags}"
IsVisible="{DXBinding 'SelectedIssue != null'}">
<dxe:ComboBoxEditSettings ItemsSource="{dxe:EnumItemsSource EnumType={x:Type local:Tag}}">
The BarEditItem.EditValue property is bound to the Tags
property of the List<object>
type. In this case, the Combo Box with multiple item selection can post selected values to the data source. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Implement multi-select in DevExpress WPF Data Editors.
Each item contains the context menu that duplicates the listed actions. To create this menu, add bar item links to the PopupMenu's Items
collection and assign this menu to the BarManager.DXContextMenu attached property:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<!-- ... -->
<TextBlock ... />
<dxb:BarButtonItemLink BarItemName="addItem"/>
<dxb:BarButtonItemLink BarItemName="removeItem"/>
<dxb:BarCheckItemLink BarItemName="completed"/>
<dxb:BarSubItemLink BarItemName="priority"/>
<dxb:BarEditItemLink BarItemName="tags"/>
- Data.cs (VB: Data.vb)
- ViewModel.cs (VB: ViewModel.vb)
- MainWindow.xaml (VB: MainWindow.xaml)
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