Sometimes you install sendmail of something like it, after install. If bro doesn't see sendmail during ./configure you will have to add:
Sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
to your broctl.cfg
broargs = --no-checksums
to your broctl.cfg
OR add:
redef ignore_checksums = T;
to your local.bro
broargs = --filter '<your filter here>'
to your broctl.cfg
For each analyzer you want to disable add the below to your already existing bro_init or create a new one like below:
event bro_init()
to your local.bro
Add a new function to local.bro like the below:
function filter_weird (rec: Weird::Info) : bool
return /binpac exception/ ! in rec$name;
Then add the below fo your already existing bro_init, or create new one like below:
event bro_init()
local filter: Log::Filter = Log::get_filter(Weird::LOG, "default");
Log::add_filter(Weird::LOG, filter);