#WebScale v0.1.18
Tools to customize a web page dimensions
@author Diono CORBEL http://www.diono.fr/
DEMO : http://www.dionoportfolio.com/WebScale/
WebScale is a tool to resize the web page based on the visible area defined.
It uses new CSS3 properties transform and transform-origin
##How to use
WebScale is attached to window. we call directly or through window:
##What are the arguments it expects
The first argument is the DOM element that will be scaled and the second argument is the list of setup options
WebScale(DOM, options);
• DOM is the DOM element that will be scaled to always show the visible area
// WebScale is written in pure JavaScript, it does not use any library like jQuery
WebScale($('#my_element')); // Doesn't works
// instead use :
WebScale($('#my_element')[0]); // access to the DOM element
• OPTIONS is an object that parameter :
var options = {
body: document.body, // [Object/String] reference for the display dimensions (by default, the body of the page)
bodyOffsetWidth: 0, // [Number] total fixed width margins of the referent
bodyOffsetHeight: 0, // [Number] total fixed height margins of the referent
minWidth: 450, // [Number] minimum width of the visible zone (0 to disable)
minHeight: 450, // [Number] minimum height of the visible zone (0 to disable)
maxWidth: 0, // [Number] maximum width of the visible zone (0 to disable)
maxHeight: 0, // [Number] maximum height of the visible zone (0 to disable)
top: 'center', // [String/Number] vertical positioning of the visible area within its container (either in pixels or as a percentage or text: "top", "center", "bottom")
left: 'center', // [String/Number] horizontal positioning of the visible area within its container (either in pixels or as a percentage or text: "right", "center", "left")
offsetTop: 450, // [Number] vertical offset of the visible area compared to the whole area
offsetLeft: 450, // [Number] horizontal offset of the visible area compared to the whole area
unlockWidth: false, // [Boolean] authorization resize the width to fit the refrence
unlockHeight: false, // [Boolean] authorization resize the height to fit the refrence
unlockTop: true, // [Boolean] authorization to correct the vertical position of the visible area
unlockLeft: true, // [Boolean] authorization to correct the horizontal position of the visible area
reduce: true, // [Boolean] reduces visible if the reference area is too small
enlarge: false, // [Boolean] increase the area visible if the reference is too high
auto: true // [Boolean] if the reference listening for the event "resize", WebScale puts to automatically update the visible area (note only works on window or document or body)
WebScale automatically detects whether the browser supports css3 transform and transform-origin properties.
Each instance of WebScale return detection in available variable
var compatible = WebScale(DOM, options).available;
// if this is true, the web browser supports css3 properties