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0CC vs FT effects type order

Persune edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

0CC for some reason uses a slightly different effects type order within the tracker, but converts to FT 050B+ effects type order when saved to a file.

In Dn-FT v., this conversion logic was disturbed, resulting in 0CC effects type order not being properly converted back to FT 050B+ when saving. This issue has been fixed in commit df78460.

my guess is cross compatibility with earlier 0CC versions that didn't respect FT 050B+'s effect type order? we can't do anything to change it, now.

FT order:
    EF_NOTE_RELEASE         (Lxx)
    EF_GROOVE               (Oxx)
    EF_TRANSPOSE            (Txy)
    EF_N163_WAVE_BUFFER     (Zxx N163)
    EF_FDS_VOLUME           (Exx FDS)
    EF_FDS_MOD_BIAS         (Zxx FDS)
    EF_SUNSOFT_NOISE        (Wxx S5B)
    EF_VRC7_PORT            (Hxx VRC7)
    EF_VRC7_WRITE           (Ixx VRC7)

0CC order:
    EF_SUNSOFT_NOISE        (Wxx S5B)
    EF_VRC7_PORT            (Hxx VRC7)
    EF_VRC7_WRITE           (Ixx VRC7)
    EF_NOTE_RELEASE         (Lxx)
    EF_GROOVE               (Oxx)
    EF_TRANSPOSE            (Txy)
    EF_N163_WAVE_BUFFER     (Zxx N163)
    EF_FDS_VOLUME           (Exx FDS)
    EF_FDS_MOD_BIAS         (Zxx FDS)