The Docker is based on the stain/jena-fuseki Docker image and includes an Apache Jena Fuseki 2 server installation.
After building the image you can run it with the following options:
to expose port 3030
docker run -p "your fuseki2 port":3030 fuseki2-docker:latest
You can modify the port which should be used by the use of –p and run ./fuseki-server –port="new port" docker run -p "your fuseki2 port":"new port" fuseki2-docker:latest ./fuseki-server –port="new port"
to run the container in detached mode
docker run –d -p "your fuseki2 port":3030 fuseki2-docker:latest
ADMIN_PASSWORD="your password" to set your password, default password is admin
docker run -p "your fuseki2 port":3030 –e ADMIN_PASSWORD="your password" fuseki2-docker:latest
The Fuseki data is stored at the docker volume /fuseki
within the container. If you remove the container without a backup the stored data will be lost. To get more information about the variations of data persistence read stain/jena-fuseki paragraph “Data persistence”.
You can load data through the web interface or an integrated load script, it is using the tdbloader command line utilities. To use this load script you currently need a fuseki volume-container (see stain/jena-fuseki). You could also directly use the tdbloader.
You can customize the <shiro.ini> configuration in many ways (e.g. add users, userroles, etc.), to get more information about customizing see Apache Shiro Configuration.