This is a server that interacts with a Liquidity Bridge Contract (LBC) to provide liquidity for users as part of the Flyover protocol. The server runs a local Liquidity Provider (LP), and also allows connections from remote LPs.
The server's functionality is provided through a JSON HTTP interface. In addition, the server needs access to a Bitcoin and an RSK node.
- logfile (string): the path where the logs are saved to. If empty, it prints logs to the console.
- debug (bool): the value that indicates whether the server is run in debug mode.
- irisActivationHeight: the block height at where Iris was activated, so the federation goes into ERP.
- maxQuoteValue: The maximum allowed value to a quote globaly.
- erpKeys (array[string]): the public keys of the erp pegnatories to be used in p2sh scripts.
- server (object): object that holds settings for the http server.
- port (int): port where the api is served.
- db (object): object that holds settings for the database.
- path (string): path to the sqlite db file.
- rsk (object): object that holds settings for the rsk connector.
- endpoint (string): endpoint to the json-rpc api where the RSK node is listening.
- lbcAddr (string): address of the Liquidity Bridge Contract.
- bridgeAddr (string): address of the Bridge Contract.
- requiredBridgeConfirmations (int): amount of confirmations required by the Bridge Contract.
- maxQuoteValue: The maximum allowed value to a quote to the liquidity provider, will be overrided by global value if that value where greater than 0.
- btc (object): object that holds settings for the bitcoin connector.
- endpoint (string): Url where the Bitcoin node is hosted (in the format IP:PORT).
- username (string): username to be used in the connection to the bitcoin node.
- password (string): password to be used in the connection to the bitcoin node.
- network (string): network to be used in the connection to the bitcoin node.
- provider (object): object that holds settings for the local liquidity provider.
- keydir (string): directory where the keystore is located (by default "keystore").
- pwdFile (string): The path to the file that contains the password that matches the keystore specified above.
- btcAddr (string): bitcoin address of the local Liquidity Provider registered with the server.
- accountNum (int): RSK Account number for the local Liquidity Provider.
- chainId (int): id of the RSK network to be used.
- maxConf: Maximum amount of confirmations required for a callForUser (liquidity advancement).
- confirmations (object): object that holds pairs of value-confirmations so the Liquidity provider
can specify different amount of required confirmations depending on the value to transfer.
(string): (int): The objects within this container specify value-confirmations in the following
"50000000000": 5,
"1000000000": 3
- timeForDeposit (int): the default time threshold for deposit to be set in quotes, in seconds.
- callTime (int): the default time the Liquidity Provider has to advance the funds.
- callFee (int): the default fee to be applied to a quote.
- penaltyFee (int): the penalty fee to be applied in case of missbehaviour.
Computes and returns a quote for the service.
contractAddr (string) - Hex-encoded contract address.
data (string) - Hex-encoded contract data.
value (int) - Value to send in the call.
rskRefundAddr (string) - Hex-encoded user RSK refund address.
lpAddress (string) - The address of the liquidity provider that will do the cross chain conversion
btcRefundAddr (string) - Base58-encoded user Bitcoin refund address.
quotes - a list of quotes for the service, where each quote consists of:
fedBtcAddress; // the BTC address of the Powpeg
lbcAddress; // the address of the LBC
lpRSKAddr; // the RSK address of the LP
btcRefundAddress; // a user BTC refund address
rskRefundAddress; // a user RSK refund address
lpBTCAddr; // the BTC address of the LP
callFee; // the fee charged by the LP
penaltyFee; // the penalty that the LP pays if it fails to deliver the service
contractAddr; // the destination address of the peg-in
data; // the arguments to send in the call
gasLimit; // the gas limit -> Calculated based on the estimated gas in the network
nonce; // a nonce that uniquely identifies this quote
value; // the value to transfer in the call
agreementTimestamp; // the timestamp of the agreement
timeForDeposit; // the time (in seconds) that the user has to achieve one confirmation on the BTC deposit
callTime; // the time (in seconds) that the LP has to perform the call on behalf of the user after the deposit achieves the number of confirmations
confirmations; // the number of confirmations that the LP requires before making the call
callOnRegister: // a boolean value indicating whether the callForUser can be called on registerPegIn.
Accepts one of the LPs quotes.
quoteHash (string) - Hex-encoded quote hash as computed by LBC.hashQuote
signature - Signature of the quote
bitcoinDepositAddressHash - Hash of the deposit BTC address
Gets the registered providers List.
Array of registered providers with the fields.
Id - The Id of the provider
Provider - The address of the Liquidity Provider in RSK Network
- You should run LPS env into docker-compose
- Then you need to change directory to it
- Then into it folder you only need to run
go test -integration
It is required to run LPS env to run integration tests because in it
folder there is a config.json file which will be updated when contracts will be deployed.