Run ./
and it'll install prereqs, back up your existing configuration, and put the new
configs in place.
If you'd rather not trust rando scripts off the internet, here's what the install script does:
You'll need to install a few things to get full use of this.
- First, install Oh My ZSH
- Next, install using Oh My ZSH - Powerline 10K
- Then use Homebrew to install deps -
brew install fzf ripgrep terminal-notifier libfido2
- And if you don't already have it, the
CLI is useful as well -brew install google-cloud-sdk
It also contains some iTerm2-specific things that may or may not matter to you. 🤷
You will probably want to do the "optional" one-time setup steps for P10K as well (installing fonts, etc) or things might look a little weird.
Copy the .zsh/
directory, .zprofile
, and .zshrc
into your home directory and start a new shell.
The main shell configuration happens in ~/.zsh/zshrc.zsh
You may want to tweak some of the things that it's doing, or add other random stuff in there.
In particular, you probably want to have a look at the plugins=()
line and choose the set of plugins
that are useful for you from the list. This is a
reasonable default set of plugins, but YMMV:
plugins=(aliases aws bazel direnv docker fzf gcloud gh git history iterm2 pyenv kubectl terraform zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)
If you have shell aliases, you should stick them in ~/.zsh/aliases.zsh
If you have specific autocompletion configuration tweaks, you should stick them in ~/.zsh/completion.zsh
contains a whole bunch of configuration options for Powerline 10K. This package has
my configuration, but you may want to tweak it to do some things differently - this is where you change
all of those settings. See the P10k config docs
for full details.