Voir sur https://github.com/Doubledom45/TEST-RFPLAYER pour la suite !
Complete redesign of the add-on
RFPlayer custom component/integration for Home assistant
Copy the custom_component/rfplayer
folder in your config directory.
Go to Home-Assistant UI, Configuration > Integrations, button (+ Add Integration) and search GCE RFPlayer
Select the USB device in the list and valid.
Sensor are created automatically if you enable it during the installation or on the option button (Integration menu)
You can use the service rfplayer.send_command
to send commands to your devices, and add the device as a new switch entity.
ORIGIN GCE & crazymikefra
Based on rflink integration
Voir les fichiers pdf pour l'API et Information FR pour plus d'information en Français !
Voir Forum HA FR @Doubledom en MP