is under active development. You can help speed up the release of the stable version: try to use it in your projects and write about issues.
Cypress composition API for writing tests for a large application, focused on reusable, decomposition and beautiful typescript support.
- You feel problems with your page object.
- Your cypress tests now have many methods for interacting with custom elements.
- You are looking for a solution that will allow you to separate utility code from tests.
- You love Cypress and QA.
- ✨ Simple: Everything is an element – one pattern for describing anything
- 🌳 Composable: element can be organized in nesting of elements hierarchy
- 🛠 Customisable: You can create your elements
- ⏳ Reusable: You can save elements hierarchy
- ✌ Friendly: TypeScript first, autocomplete, auto type
npm i -D cypress-element
# or
yarn add -D cypress-element
Then, in your test, you can write
import el from "cypress-element";
const page = el("div", {
button: el("button"),
it("test", () => {
Read more in documentation;
Today real apps usually work on one of the frameworks: React, Vue, and Agular. All popular frontend frameworks are based on concepts: composition structures and the idea of everything is a component. QA can use the same ideas in tests and take benefits of this.
allows you not to think about the implementation. You can focus on business use-case checks
You found examples of usage in test folder