The C# to Lua compiler.
CSharp.lua is a C# to Lua compiler. Write C# then run on lua VM.
- Build on Microsoft Roslyn. Support for C# 10.
- Highly readable code generation. C# AST ---> Lua AST ---> Lua Code.
- Provides CoreSystem.lua library, can run away of CLR.
- Build by .NET Core, Ability to across platforms.
C# code
using System;
namespace HelloLua {
public static class Program {
public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("hello lua!");
To Lua
-- Generated by CSharp.lua Compiler
local System = System
System.namespace("HelloLua", function (namespace)
namespace.class("Program", function (namespace)
local Main
Main = function ()
System.Console.WriteLine("hello lua!")
return {
Main = Main
D:\>dotnet CSharp.Lua.Launcher.dll -h
Usage: CSharp.lua [-s srcfolder] [-d dstfolder]
-s : can be a directory where all cs files will be compiled, or a list of files, using ';' or ',' to separate
-d : destination directory, will put the out lua files
-h : show the help message and exit
-l : libraries referenced, use ';' to separate
if the librarie is a module, whitch is compield by CSharp.lua with -module arguemnt, the last character needs to be '!' in order to mark
-m : meta files, like System.xml, use ';' to separate
-csc : csc.exe command argumnets, use ' ' or '\t' to separate
-c : support classic lua version(5.1), default support 5.3
-a : attributes need to export, use ';' to separate, if ""-a"" only, all attributes whill be exported
-e : enums need to export, use ';' to separate, if ""-e"" only, all enums will be exported
-ei : enums is represented by a variable reference rather than a constant value, need to be used with -e
-p : do not use debug.setmetatable, in some Addon/Plugin environment debug object cannot be used
-metadata : export all metadata, use @CSharpLua.Metadata annotations for precise control
-module : the currently compiled assembly needs to be referenced, it's useful for multiple module compiled
-inline-property: inline some single-line properties
-include : the root directory of the CoreSystem library, adds all the dependencies to a single file named out.lua
-noconcurrent : close concurrent compile
Make sure that .NET 7.0 is installed.
CoreSystem.lua library that implements most of the .NET Framework core classes, including support for basic type, delegate, generic collection classes & linq. The Converted lua code, need to reference it
- fibonacci, a console program code, print Fibonacci number.
- Issues
- Mail:[email protected]
- QQ Group: 715350749 (Chinese Only)