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HPC Project: AwannaCU

Description of Implementation and Execution

Serial Algorithm

Instructions for build and execution

  • To run the serial implementation, run $ bash ./

Approach for the serial program

Consider two points 1 (x1,y1,z1) and 2 (x2,y2,z2). Point 2 is in the line of sight of point 1 if and only if the maximum elevation value zMax between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is less than or equal to the z value of the line of sight zLineOfSightAtMax at that point. The line of sight is the straight line between (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2). In the case of countLineOfSight, the line of sight is the straight line between (x1,y1,z1) and (x,y,z).

  • int countLineOfSight(data, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    • Some variables:
      • x1, y1: Initial coordinate
      • x2, y2: End coordinate
      • x, y: Current coordinates being considered by the algorithm
      • zMax: The maximum elevation encountered on the line between (x1,y1) and (x,y).
      • xMax, yMax: Coordinates such that (xMax,yMax,zMax).
      • zLineOfSightAtMax: The z value of the line of sight line at (xMax,yMax)
    • This function computes a straight line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and along that line checks zMax against zLineOfSightAtMax. If at some point (x,y) (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), zMax <= zLineOfSightAtMax, then there is line of sight between (x1,y1) and (x,y), so the function iterates a count. The function returns that count at the end of execution.

In serial(int range), the program will read in the data from the file (a helper function to do this is written in helper_functions.cpp), then for each pixel (centerX, centerY) in the image, compute countLineOfSight(data,centerX,centerY,considerX,considerY), where (considerX,considerY) iterates over every pixel in the perimeter of 100 pixel square radius. Add the results for all countLineOfSight calculations for each (centerX,centerY), and write to an array. After the count has been computed for every pixel, the array holding the counts is written to a file output_serial.raw

The main() function simply calls the serial() function, specifying a range (which is how far away each pixel should look for line of sight)

CPU Shared Memory Algorithm

Instructions for build and execution

  • To run the cpu shared memory implementation, run $ bash ./ {thread_count}, where {thread_count} is the number of threads you want to run the program.

Approach for the cpu shared memory program

  • Start with serial implementation, with serial(range) method being changed to cpu_shared(thread_count, range), which must be given a thread count. countLineOfSight will remain unchanged.
  • Use OpenMP directives to parallelize the outermost for loop, which iterates over the rows (centerY). This allows the algorithm to take advantage of caching. In practice, this will be a #pragma omp parallel for.
  • Inside the for loops, when the local count for a pixel wants to be written to the array, there must be a critical section. For this, we can use #pragma omp critical to wrap the write operation.

CPU Distributed Memory Algorithm

Instructions for build and execution

  • To run the CPU Distributed memory implementaiton, run $ bash ./ {process_count}, where {process_count} is the number of processes you want to run the program concurrently.

Approach for the CPU distributed memory program

  • Initialize MPI
  • Rank 0 reads in the dataset and then calculates what work each thread will do. Each rank will do the same amount of work, except the last rank which also takes on any work that is remaining using DATA_COUNT % comm_sz.
  • Broadcast data, work distribution, and displacements for each rank.
  • Each rank calculates the line of sight for the pixels it has been assigned. The implementation for this is heavily inspired by our serial implementation.
  • Use MPI_Gatherv to collect results from each thread to the root thread(rank 0).
  • Rank 0 writes results to cpu_distributed_out.raw
  • MPI is shut down.

GPU Shared Memory Algorithm

Instruction for build and execution on CHPC

  • To run the GPU share memory implementation, get a gpu allocation. Make sure the CudaToolkit module is loaded with module load cuda/12.2.0. Then run $ bash ./

GPU Distributed Memory Algorithm

Instructions for build and execution on CHPC

  • Firstly, the source files must be compiled into a binary. In order to do this navigate to /src/gpu_distributed
  • load the necessary modules to compile and eventually run the program
    •   module load intel impi
        module load cuda/12.1
  • from here, we can create the object files
    •   mpicxx -c gpu_distributed.cpp helper_functions.cpp helper_functions.hpp
        nvcc -c
  • at this point, we are ready to link our object files together to create a binary
    • mpicxx gpu_distributed.o helper_functions.o kernel.o -lcudart
  • We now have a binary that will run our GPU Distributed algorithm. I have supplied several different permutations of running this algorithm in the slurm folder for this project. To use one of these examples, simply navigate to the slurm folder and pick which example you would like to submit as a job
    •  sbatch run_gpu_dist_strong_3.slurm // queue a job that uses 3 gpus to compute the line of sight
  • Note: The methodology and design plan for this implementation is located at the top of

Validation of Output

To validate the output of a program against the serial implementation, run the validation program. First, you must run the scripts for the two implementations you wish to compare. For example, if you want to compare the cpu shared and serial outputs, first run the following two scripts from the PARENT DIRECTORY of the repository:

$ bash ./

$ bash ./

Once the output files have been created, we can compare them. First, compile the output validation program by running this command:

$ g++ src/compare_datasets.cpp -o output_comparison

Then, run output_comparison, supplying it the two files to compare:

$ ./output_comparison output_serial.raw output_cpu_shared.raw

If the outputs match, the program will output the message:

Implementation outputs match!

If the outputs do not match, the program will output the message:

Implementation outputs DO NOT match

along with reporting where the first discrepancy took place.

Scaling Study

Comparing Serial, Shared CPU, and Shared GPU

The execution time of the serial algorithm ranges from about 265,799 ms to 287,679 ms.

Shown below is a table which examines the strong scalability of the shared cpu (OpenMP) implementation.

Number of Cores Execution Time Speedup Efficiency
1 287439 ms
2 147115 ms 1.95 0.977
4 106258 ms 2.71 0.676
8 67013 ms 4.29 0.536
16 42623 ms 6.74 0.421

It is clear from the table above that the algorithm is not strongly scalable because the efficiency does not remain constant as the number of cores increases. However, it should be noted that adding cores still greatly benefits the execution time, at least up to 8 cores.

Weak scalability can be examined by increasing the range that each pixel counts line of sight for proportionally to the increase in threads. This is because the execution time of our algorithm is proportional to the range (algorithm iterates over the perimeter of a square of side length $2*range$). If the execution time remains constant, then the problem weakly scales.

Shown below is a table which examines the weak scalability of the shared cpu (OpenMP) implementation.

Number of Cores Range Execution Time Speedup
1 2 18426 ms
2 4 29895 ms 0.616
4 8 53854 ms 0.342
8 16 119472 ms 0.154
16 32 380313 ms 0.048

As shown above, the execution time does not stay constant as the range (and problem size by extension) is increased proportionally to the number of threads because the speedup does not remain at a constant 1, so the shared cpu implementation does not weakly scale.

Shown below is a table which examines the strong scalability of the shared gpu (CUDA) implementation.

Block Size Execution Time Speedup Efficiency
2 $\times$ 2 339953 ms 0.846 0.211
4 $\times$ 4 85733 ms 3.353 0.209
8 $\times$ 8 43267 ms 6.643 0.104
16 $\times$ 16 43374 ms 6.627 0.026
16 $\times$ 48 43384 ms 6.625 0.009

From the table above we can see that the shared gpu is also not strongly scalable because the efficiency does not remain constant as the block size increases. However, it should be noted that increasing block size still greatly benefits the execution time, at least up to 8 $\times$ 8. The wall that it appears to hit might be broken by implementing tiling.

Shown below is a table which examines the weak scalability of the shared gpu (CUDA) implementation.

Block Size Range Execution Time Speedup
2 $\times$ 2 2 18905 ms
4 $\times$ 4 4 15788 ms 1.197
8 $\times$ 8 8 28230 ms 0.669
16 $\times$ 16 16 106444 ms 0.178
16 $\times$ 48 32 410837 ms 0.046

As shown above, the execution time does not stay constant as the range (and problem size by extension) is increased proportionally to the number of threads because the speedup does not remain at a constant 1, so the shared gpu implementation also does not weakly scale.

Comparing Distributed CPU and Distributed GPU

Shown below is a table which examines the strong scalability of the distributed CPU implementation

Number of Processes Execution Time Speedup Efficiency
1 2674570 ms
2 1338668 ms 1.99 0.99
4 670399 ms 3.98 0.99
8 296545 ms 9.02 1.12
16 133978 ms 19.96 1.24

Shown below is a table which examines the weak scalability of the distributed CPU implementation

Number of Processes Range Execution Time Speedup
1 2 161960 ms
2 4 245856 ms 0.66
4 8 451940 ms 0.36
8 16 791201 ms 0.20
16 32 1474200 ms 0.11

shown below is a table which examimes the strong scalability of the distributed GPU implementation Note: We are using the v100 GPU provided on the notchpeak computing cluster. Because of this, we are limited to using at most 3 GPUs for a single job

Number of Processes Execution Time Speedup Efficiency
1 3808 ms
2 2103 ms 1.81 0.90
3 1309 ms 2.91 0.96

We can observe from this table that the problem speedup is proportional to the additional computing bandwidth added to the problem. Even using 16 CPU cores vs a single GPU, a single GPU will outperform a custer of CPUs.

Shown below is a table which examines the weak scalability of the distributed GPU implementation Note: We are using the v100 GPU provided on the notchpeak computing cluster. Because of this, we are limited to using at most 3 GPUs for a single job

Number of Processes Range Execution Time Speedup
1 4 726 ms
2 8 1826 ms 0.39
3 16 3178 ms 0.22
3 32 12234 ms 0.59

As we can see, there are significant benefits to using a GPU to solve this problem. Comparing 1 CPU vs 1 GPU, the difference in execution time is almost 44 minutes. This shows how this problem lends itself well to parallelism as a GPU's structure allows for higher levels of parallelism than a CPU

Scaling Study Conclusion

  • The shared cpu (OpenMP) solution does not scale strongly or weakly. The shared cpu implementation has better strong scaling than weak scaling, because in the strong scaling case the efficiency does not decrease proportionally to increases in thread count, where in the weak scaling case the speedup decreases proportionally to increases in thread count.
  • The shared cpu solution is better than the serial solution, because it parallelizes the problem.
  • The shared gpu similar to the shared cpu is better then the serial solution due to parallelization. This could be improved with tiling which could make it better then the shared cpu at that point.
  • Using a message passing interface for CPUs ends up being slower than using shared memory, but for GPUs, using a message passing interface is very beneficial.
  • This problem set lends itself very well to GPU programming as it is inherently a single instruction multiple data problem.


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