minesketch is a dynamically typed scripting language which can be used to program stuff in Minecraft. It was created for the Hack Club programming language jam.
Check out the gameoflife example for the code of this demo
To get started with minesketch, check out the guide or have a look at the examples
Sketches are ran using a spigot plugin. The plugin is compatible with Paper 1.20.6 and above. To compile the plugin an installation of the Java 21 JDK is required.
./gradlew :minesketch-plugin:shadowJar
will compile the plugin and put it into the minesketch-plugin/build/libs
folder for you.
Put your Sketches into {Server Folder}/plugins/Minesketch/sketches
so the plugin can find them.
You interact with the plugin using the /sketch command. These are its subcommands:
/sketch list - Lists all available sketches
/sketch reload - Reloads sketches from the data folder
/sketch run <name> - Runs the sketch with the specified name
/sketch stop - Stops the currently active sketch