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Running under minishift

Dan Leehr edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 5 revisions

Minishift can be use to run calrissian locally for small workflows. This is meant to be used for development/testing as this is not a good way to run large scale workflows.

Installing Minishift

Starting Minishift

Minishift defaults its VM to using 4GB memory and 2 CPUs. These values are fine for running the included example workflows. If you want to see increased parallelism or run larger workflows, you can raise these values when starting the minishift VM:

minishift start --memory 16GB --cpus 8

Persistent volumes

Minishift comes with 100 persistent volumes that do not recycle (at least in my case). Once these have been exhausted, new persistent volume claims will be stuck in Pending state forever. If it is convenient to delete and recreate your minishift cluster that may be simplest approach. Otherwise, you can manually recycle the volumes with the following instructions.

Finding volumes to recycle

Switching to the system:admin user where you can manually recycle these:

oc login -u system:admin

List your persistent volumes:

oc get pv

If any volumes you wish to recycle are in Bound state you need to delete the PVC currently claiming the volume.

Clearing out contents of volumes

For the volumes you wish to reclaim you will need to delete the current contents. You can get to the directory for a particular volume by running:

minishift ssh
sudo su
cd /var/lib/minishift/base/openshift.local.pv/<VOLUME_NAME>

Then rm the files/directories therein.

Resetting the volume status

Once you have cleared out the directory for the volumes you can mark them as available again via:

oc patch pv/<VOLUME_NAME> --type json -p $'- op: remove\n  path: /spec/claimRef'

These steps are patterned after: