Provides at a glance view of all Duke Learning Innovation projects with some contextual meaning and status updates for sharing.
Best viewed at
- sakai service
- kits
- zoom pilot
- crowdmark integration
- [sakai gateway]
- modernize sakai forums
- playposit service
- [instructional design certificate]
- [redshelf integration]
- [NextEd 2018]
- duke sakai 12.x upgrade
- integration
- [intedashboard integration]
- [agile project management]
- [cisco/sakai integration]
- [chalk & wire integration]
- sakai camp
- coursera service
- sakai service
- nudge
- extend service
- [Physicians thrive]
- Russian 95.01
- [Marine Planning 98.01]
- [sites@duke service]
- stanford civics
- [NextEd 2018]
- [Qualtrics/Coursera integration for ALICE]
- [MIDS Sakai Course Creation]
- [grammarly pilot]
- liulishuo pilot
- glhlth777
- online workflow sprint
- [teachx project]
- [Honor Code sakai integration]
- [syllabus to lessons conversion]
- [Autoname email archive]
- [Sitemanage web service improvements]
- sakai service
- [Plagiarism Tutorial]
- sakai ui inventory
- [sakai mobile]
- [user interface design course]
- [NextEd 2018]
- [sakai support documentation]
- Duke Sakai 12.3 upgrade
- [eReserves changes]
- [DKU Template and Toolkits changes]
- [sakai community ngdle discussions]
- duke sakai 12.x upgrade
- sakai 12 release
- [oer grant]
- [ltc meeting]
- [ux graduate course]
- coursera service
- extend service
- [DukeVen DLX]
- [Open edX sunset]
- gradescope project
- [lts consulting]
- [kits metrics functional lead]
- [Coursera for Duke Alumni]
- [MIDS Online Review]
- [open edx conference]
- extend needs assessment
- [ltc meeting]
- [coursera conference]
- [introastro launch]
- [role changes]
- [un sustainable development goals]
- [id2id]
- [it lead]
- [dlx nursing]
- [NextEd 2018]
- kits
- [LTS hire]
- portfolio
- [sakai skins]
- [sakai retention policy]
- [sakai media upload removal]
- [value of open source]
- [sakai/gitlab integration]
- sakai community involvement
- [r&d process]
- [duke extend skin]
- [toolkits/dku integration]
- [Learning Innovation Annual Report 17-18]
- sakai authorization module upgrade
- sakai/dku siss integration
- ece651.sp18 sakai/box integration
- extend needs assessment - strategy
- [DKU SIS integration with Sakai]
- [open apereo 18 proposal]
- [educause18 proposal]
- [eli18 conference]
- [american university NGDLE conference]
- [polleverywhereexploration]
- [extend modify grade report]
- [extendmodifyengagementreport]
- Sakai/SISS Comparison
- [nursing best of breed assessment tools]
- Broome Course
- [Zychowicz DLX]
- [ONR grant/gitpaper]
- [voicethread service]
- [warpwire service]
- [toolkits service]
- [piazza service]
- [open source comparison]
- [CoCalc exploration]
- [TeachFX exploration]
- []
- [sakai support chatbot]
- [lts out of office checklist]
- [wordpress lti]
- [domain of one's own exploration]
- [duke extend payment gateway]
- [library services/sakai integration]
- [cengage + OER textbook subscription]