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Numeri Romani

JavaScript library for work with Roman numbers.


  • TypeScript and JSDoc support
  • Conversion between Roman and Arabic numbers
  • RomanNumber class
  • Ability to perform basic mathematical operations


npm install @dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani
yarn add @dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani
pnpm add @dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani
bun add @dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani

Basic usage

Importing the Library

Using ESM

import { RomanNumber, romanNumerals, romanize, romanizeSafe, arabicize, arabicizeSafe, isValidRoman, isValidRomanSafe, isValidArabic, isValidArabicSafe } from "@dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani";

Using CommonJS

const { RomanNumber, romanNumerals, romanize, romanizeSafe, arabicize, arabicizeSafe, isValidRoman, isValidRomanSafe, isValidArabic, isValidArabicSafe } = require("@dunkelhaiser/numeri-romani");

Number conversion

Convert to Roman number

romanize(379); // => "CCCLXXIX"

Convert to Arabic number

arabicize("LIV"); // => 54

With the default implementation of these functions, if conversion fails, a corresponding error will be thrown explaining the reason for the failure. Default functions use isValidRoman and isValidArabic, so errors will be the same as theirs. If you don't want to handle errors, you can use safe implementations of these functions romanizeSafe or arabicizeSafe which on fail will return "" or NaN correspondingly.

Validity check

Check the validity of the Roman number

To check if a string is a valid Roman number you can use isValidRoman or isValidRomanSafe.

isValidRoman("LIV"); // => true
isValidRoman("IIV"); // => Error: Invalid roman number
isValidRomanSafe("LIV"); // => true
isValidRomanSafe("IIV"); // => false

Check the validity of the Arabic number

To check if an Arabic number can be converted into a Roman number you can use isValidArabic or isValidArabicSafe.

isValidArabic("LIV"); // => true
isValidArabic(5.5); // => Error: Cannot convert non-integer number
isValidArabic(0); // => Error: Cannot convert zero
isValidArabic(-2); // => Error: Cannot convert negative numbers
isValidArabic(-4567); // => Error: Cannot convert numbers greater than 3999
isValidArabicSafe(14); // => true
isValidArabicSafe(5.5); // => false
isValidArabicSafe("14"); // => false

RomanNumber class

RomanNumber class provides an ability to create RomanNumber an object that will contain Roman and Arabic numeral values. Also, this object provides arithmetic operations methods.


const romanNumber = new RomanNumber(7); // { roman: "VII", arabic: 7 }
const romanNumber = new RomanNumber("VII"); // { roman: "VII, arabic: 7 }
Get values
romanNumber.getValue(); // => "VII"
romanNumber.getNumericValue(); // => 7
romanNumber.getValues(); // => { roman: "VII", arabic: 7 }

Set value

romanNumber.setValue(9); // { roman: "IX", arabic: 9 }
romanNumber.setValue("IX"); // { roman: "IX", arabic: 9 }

Arithmetic operations

Arithmetic operations will update Roman and Arabic values of an instantiated object and return it, so it can be reassigned or method chained.

All methods support Arabic and Roman numbers as an argument. The Roman number must correspond to the isValidRoman function. Arabic number can be any integer value.

The results of operations must correspond to the isValidRoman function or an error will be thrown.



Bug Reporting

If you come across a bug or unexpected behavior, please take the time to report it. To file a bug report:

  1. Check if the issue has already been reported by searching the issues.
  2. If the issue hasn't been reported yet, open a new issue, providing as much detail as possible, including:
  • A clear and concise title.
  • A detailed description of the issue.
  • Steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Expected and actual behavior.

Feature Proposals

To propose a new feature:

  1. Check the issues to ensure it hasn't been proposed before.
  2. Open a new issue, clearly describing the new feature or enhancement you would like to see.
  3. Provide any relevant details or use cases that will help understand the use of the proposed feature.

Code Contributions

To contribute code:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes with a specific prefix: git checkout -b feat/your-feature. Accepted prefixes: feat, fix, refactor, docs.
  3. Make your changes, following the coding style.
  4. Write unit tests for your changes.
  5. Update the README or documentation if necessary.
  6. Submit a pull request to the dev branch of the original repository.
  7. Provide a detailed description in the pull request, explaining the purpose of your changes.


Copyright (c) 2024 Kyrylo Tymchyshyn
Licensed under the MIT license.
