MatchZy is a plugin for CS2 (Counter Strike 2) for running and managing practice/pugs/scrims/matches with easy configuration!
- Get5 - A lot of functionalities and workings have been referred from Get5 and they did an amazing job for managing matches in CS:GO. Huge thanks to them!
- eBot - Amazing job in CS:GO and then provided this great panel again in CS2 which is helping a lot of organizers now. Some logics have been referred from eBot as well!
- CounterStrikeSharp - Amazing job with development of CSSharp which gave us a platform to build our own plugins and also sparked my interest in plugin development!
- AlliedModders and community - They are the reason this whole plugin was possible! They are very helpful and inspire a lot!
- LOTGaming - Helped me a lot with initial testing and provided servers on different systems and locations!
- CHR15cs - Helped me a lot with the practice mode!
- K4ryuu - Awesome job on damage report!
- DEAFPS - Great contribution for Practice mode!