pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py runserver 8000
- Permission to push to a docker registry. We currently use a team quay.io.
- A kubeconfig that allows you to manage the EBI WebProd K8s cluster (e.g. in
Normal usage: Push to the main
branch, and Quay.io will automatically build and tag the :latest
Wait a few minutes for the build, and then restart the deployment to pull the image again:
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/mgnify-k8s-team-admin-hh.conf rollout restart deployment mgnifams-site -n mgnifams-hl-exp
Non-normal usage: Secrets setup (one-time):
- Make a secrets .env file at
with the database connection config (env vars read bysettings.py) and the
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY`.- Push it with e.g.:
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/mgnify-k8s-team-admin-hh.conf --namespace mgnifams-hl-exp create secret generic mgnifams-secret --from-env-file=deployment/secrets.env
- Push it with e.g.:
- Get authentication credentials for quay.io (the built image is private). You can get a Kubernetes secrets yaml file from your Quay.io user settings, in the "CLI Password" section.
- Download the secrets yaml and name the secret
name: quay-pull-secret
in the metadata section. Put this into thek8s-hl
folder assecrets-quayio.yml
- Download the secrets yaml and name the secret
To redeploy with a manual build, or having changed the kubernetes config:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t quay.io/microbiome-informatics/mgnifams_site:ebi-wp-k8s-hl --load .
docker push quay.io/microbiome-informatics/mgnifams_site:ebi-wp-k8s-hl
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/mgnify-k8s-team-admin-hh.conf apply -f deployment/ebi-wp-k8s-hl.yaml