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Sam Reeve edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

There are two examples available for ExaMPM: free fall and dam break. For each, problem setup is set on the command line with the following inputs:

  • physical cell size
  • particles per cell (per dimension)
  • halo size (number of cells)
  • time step (dt)
  • simulation time
  • write frequency
  • Kokkos device type (serial, openmp, cuda, hip)

As an example (running from wherever the code was installed):

./DamBreak 0.05 2 0 0.001 1.0 50 serial

This will run the second example with the Kokkos::Serial backend for 1000 time steps for a small (50,000 particle) system.

This problems simulates an initially static water column which only partially fills the domain with [0,0.4] in X, [0,0.6] in Z, and the entire Y domain filled, that then flows and eventually rests at the bottom of the domain in Z.

ExaMPM can also be run with MPI (where the serial here only refers to the threaded parallelism):

mpirun -n 4 ./DamBreak 0.05 2 0 0.001 1.0 50 serial
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