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Encrypted Database Passwords

Stu Arnett edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 6 revisions


When you set the mySQL database password for the ecssync user (or change it from the default in the service installation), you can optionally reference that password in XML or in the service configuration files as encrypted. Note that as of v3.2.5, the service installation uses an encrypted password by default.

Encrypting the Password

To get an encrypted version of the password, run the following script (this should be in your path if using the service installation):


Simply type in the actual password (characters will be hidden) and it will output the encrypted password.

Configuring the service to Use the Encrypted Password

To do this, you must modify the two files below. In these examples, the encrypted password is Z0TUQ+SciX2fp623Iu9LcQ==.


    defaultDb: mySQL
    dbDir: /opt/emc/ecs-sync/db
    dbConnectString: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecs_sync?user=ecssync&characterEncoding=UTF-8
    dbEncPassword: Z0TUQ+SciX2fp623Iu9LcQ==

/etc/init.d/ecs-sync (you will need sudo to edit this file):

JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx12G -XX:+UseParallelGC"
DB_OPT="--db-connect-string 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecs_sync?user=ecssync&characterEncoding=UTF-8' --db-enc-password 'Z0TUQ+SciX2fp623Iu9LcQ=='"


XML Config Files

To use an encrypted database password in an XML config file for a sync job, add the following line to the XML, right below the <dbTable> element:


Note that this will override any password setting in the service configuration files. If you are running 3.2.5 specifically, there is a bug in that version that requires you to put the encrypted password in the XML. However, in the future, if you are using the service installation and it is properly configure as above, you do not need to provide a DB password in XML.

Updating the Password

Any time you change/update the database password, you must also update it in the above references (either in your XML files or in the service configuration). If you do not do this, ecs-sync cannot connect to the database.