CodersCamp 2020 - Project JavaScript
Aim of the project was to build a responsive voice assistant, able to communicate with a user on a basic level. Assitant can "hear" what is being said & "say" back adequate answers. Project is created with usage of Web Speech API.
Assistant should be used on latest versions of Google Chrome browser (due to Web Speech API compatibility issues)
Project was created during CodersCamp Course in Dec 2020 - Jan 2021 with JavaScript.
- graphical interface (changing to show current "state" of assistant: OFF / ON / LISTENING / TALKING)
- speech to text (assistant logs into the console what had been said during his LISTENING state)
- text to speech (assistant reads answer snippets from Wikipedia API in TALKING state)
- wake-word (assistant starts LISTENING only after his name is called)
- list of built-in general commands:
- "dzień dobry", "witaj", "cześć", "siema", "elo"
- "do widzenia", "do zobaczenia", "na razie", "żegnaj", "nara"
- "która jest godzina", "która godzina", "godzina", "czas"
- "dzień tygodnia", "jaki mamy dzień tygodnia" "jaki mamy dzień", "który dziś"
- "inwokacja", "recytuj inwokację"
- command-similarity reactions (assistant reacts to commands that are at least in 60% similar to the ones listed above)
- integration with Wikipedia (assistant sends GET requests to MediaWiki Action API)
- list of Wikipedia commands:
- "co to jest",
- "co to znaczy",
- "co to",
- "czym są",
- "kto to jest",
- "kto to",
- "kim jest",
- "jaki jest",
- "jaka jest",
- "jakie jest",
- "jakie są"
- JavaScript
- variables
- comparison operators
- logical operators
- conditions
- iteration and / or recursion
- loops
- arrays
- functions
- objects, attributes
- console
- return
- "===" vs "=="
- referencing DOM elements from JavaScript
- interaction with DOM
- changing HTML content with JavaScript
- changing CSS styles with JavaScript
- animations
- async/await & Promises
- callback functions
- integration with external REST API
- external libraries
- HTTP methods
- unit tests
To see the project, visit: