This project presents a novel trajectory tracking algorithm for a high-speed autonomous racing setting. Our controller uses a similar working principle to the Pure Pursuit algorithm but with some notable differences. Specifically, it calculates acceleration via L1 guidance and then converts this value to a steering angle using a lookup table generated from system model parameters and tire dynamics. By using this approach, the controller can achieve greater accuracy and performance than traditional geometric controllers.
This package provides a script for the lookup table generation and two controllers: the MAP controller and a Pure Pursuit controller. Additionally, it includes a simulator where you can test these controllers. With the simulator, you can evaluate the performance of the MAP controller with a linear tyre model (as the simulator models a linear tyre behaviour) and the Pure Pursuit controller and compare their results.
Click on the image for a brief video description:
Before getting started with this project, make sure you have the following software installed:
- ROS Noetic
- Catkin tools:
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools
You can find instructions on how to install ROS for your operating system on the official ROS wiki page:
- tf2_geometry_msgs
- ackermann_msgs
- joy
- map_server
- scipy
You can install them by running:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-noetic-ackermann-msgs ros-noetic-joy ros-noetic-map-server python3-scipy
To install this package, first, create a new ROS workspace and navigate to the src folder:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
Then, clone the repository into the src folder:
git clone
Once the repository has been cloned, build the package:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
catkin build
After building the package, source the setup.bash file to add the package to your ROS environment:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
You can now run the MAP controller using the roslaunch command:
roslaunch map_controller sim_MAP.launch
This will launch the simulator together with the MAP controller on a preselected map. You can change the map by specifying the desired map in the argument map_name:=desired_map
where desired_map is the name of the desired map.
Alternatively, you can run the Pure Pursuit controller for comparison:
roslaunch map_controller sim_PP.launch
The lookup table generation script expects a model.txt file in the folder /steering_lookup/src/LUT_Generation/models
with the folowing parameters for the linear model:
Parameter | Description |
mu |
Friction coefficient [1] |
C_Sf |
Cornering stiffness front axle [1/rad] |
C_Sr |
Cornering stiffness rear axle [1/rad] |
l_f |
Distance from center of gravity to front axle [m] |
l_r |
Distance from center of gravity to rear axle [m] |
h_cg |
Center of gravity height of total mass [m] |
m |
Mass of the car [kg] |
I_z |
Inertia of center of gravity to yaw axis [kgm^2] |
and following parameters for the pacjeka model:
Parameter | Description |
mu |
Friction coefficient [1] |
C_Pf_0 |
Cornering stiffness front axle [1/rad] |
C_Pf_1 |
Shape factor front axle [1] |
C_Pf_2 |
Peak value front axle [1] |
C_Pf_3 |
Curvature factor front axle [1] |
C_Pr_0 |
Cornering stiffness rear axle [1/rad] |
C_Pr_1 |
Shape factor rear axle [1] |
C_Pr_2 |
Peak value rear axle [1] |
C_Pr_3 |
Curvature factor rear axle [1] |
l_f |
Distance from center of gravity to front axle [m] |
l_r |
Distance from center of gravity to rear axle [m] |
h_cg |
Center of gravity height of total mass [m] |
m |
Mass of the car [kg] |
I_z |
Inertia of center of gravity to yaw axis [kgm^2] |
You can run the script using the command:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/Map-Controller/steering_lookup/src/LUT_Generation/ pyhton3
The generated lookup tbale is placed in the /steering_lookup/src/LUT_Generation/models
folder. This file can be moved to the /steering_lookup/cfg
folder to be used in the simulator.
We experimentally evaluated the controller on the 1:10 scaled F1TENTH testing platform, but the control strategy is not limited to small-scale platforms. It can be applied to full-scale vehicles as well, making it a versatile solution for trajectory tracking in various settings.
The controller requires the current position and the waypoints of the trajectory which should be published as:
on the/car_state/pose
on the/global_waypoints
The lookahead distance is caluclated with following formula:
parameter determines the steepness of the slopeq_map
sets the offsett_clip_min
is the minimum distance for the lookahead distance in meters to prevent oscillationst_clip_max
is the maximum distance for the lookahead distance in meters to prevent corner cutting
The controller publishes the calculated steering and speed commands as an AckermannDriveStamped
message on the /ackermann_cmd_mux/input/teleop
The relative paper has been published at ICRA2023, see the pre-print. If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
doi = {10.1109/icra48891.2023.10161472},
url = {},
year = 2023,
month = {may},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
author = {Jonathan Becker and Nadine Imholz and Luca Schwarzenbach and Edoardo Ghignone and Nicolas Baumann and Michele Magno},
title = {Model- and Acceleration-based Pursuit Controller for High-Performance Autonomous Racing},
booktitle = {2023 {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Automation ({ICRA})}