Github authentication to be added later.
check the api/ files for authentication api path
The custom user model is in the api folder , the user manager has not yet been implemented.
Please contribute to the repo.
Create an issue before cloning and later on creating a pull request.
git clone
It is suggested to have a dedicated virtual environment for each Django project, and one way to manage a virtual environment is pipenv or venv, which is included in Python.
With venv, you can create a virtual environment by typing this in the command prompt, remember to navigate to where you want to create your project.
py -m venv myproject
python -m venv myproject
This will setup a virtual environment. Then you have to activate the environment, by typing this command:
source myproject/bin/activate
Once the environment is activated, you will see this result in the command prompt:
(myproject) C:\Users\Your Name>
(myproject) ... $
Note: You must activate the virtual environment every time you open the command prompt to work on your project.
Ensure you have python running on your machine.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the terminal in the main directory and run
python runserver