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Edge Components

React Native Component catalog and development environment for iOS and Android

JavaScript Style Guide

GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

Install Dependencies


## Install & Run
# installs on iPhone6 by default
react-native run-ios
# In a browser, open localhost:7007 to use the web interface
# installs on specific iOS
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone X"
# In a browser, open localhost:7007 to use the web interface
react-native run-android
# In a browser, open localhost:7007 to use the web interface

How To Develop A Component

  • Setup new component
    • Add new component to src/
  • Setup new story
    • Add new story to storybook/
    • Add a <Scene>
    • Add <Header>, <Body>, <Footer> <YesNoModal> <PrimaryButton> (optional)
    • Add new component
  • Tweak new component

JSX Preview (docs)

Using the Knobs addon, users of this catalog can modify properties of the component from the web interface (localhost:7007)

Knobs (docs)

Using the Knobs addon, users of this catalog can modify properties of the component from the web interface (localhost:7007)

Having trouble?


TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object)')


Android must be run in debug mode to function properly


'websocket: connection error', 'Failed to connect to localhost/'


adb reverse tcp:7007 tcp:7007


Please follow the coding conventions defined in Edge Conventions