Nozama is a media shop for books, dvds and music cds. It was created as part of the media store project
at Leipzig University.
Nozama consists of two separate applications. The application in the app/ directory is responsible for reading the
available products from XML and CSV files. It puts the available products into a postgres database. The actual media shop application is located in the shop-app/
directory. It consists of a backend that utilizes Hibernate and a console application that allows reading product information (price, quantity etc.) and adding reviews.
Switch to the Docker/ directory: cd Docker
Create the database container and create a new database: docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f docker-compose.psqlseed.yml up -d --build
Load the products into the database: docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f up -d --build
Create and access the shop container: docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f up -d --build && docker exec -it docker_shop-app_1 sh
Start the console application: java -jar shop-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Stop and remove the database container: docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml down
In debug mode, you can inspect the product database at http://localhost:8080/.