This OpenServiceBroker API implementation has been integrated directly into the Enmasse AddressController
- The new implementation is here
- The instructions on how to run EnMasse with the Service Catalog are here
An Open Service Broker implementation for the EnMasse project.
- Run OpenShift cluster (e.g. through minishift)
- Deploy EnMasse global infrastructure:
curl -o
bash -c "https://openshift-master-url:8443" -u yourusername -p enmasse -m
- Deploy ServiceCatalog
oc process -f | oc create -f -
- Grant permissions to EnMasse address controller and Service Catalog controller manager
- SSH to OpenShift master node and perform the following two commands:
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:enmasse:enmasse-service-account
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:enmasse:default
- Deploy MaaS Broker
oc create -f
- Get kubectl 1.6+ (older versions won't work with the Service Catalog API server):
curl -o kubectl ; chmod +x ./kubectl
(replace linux with darwin if using MacOS)
- Configure sc alias and make it connect to the Service Catalog API server:
alias sc="$(pwd)/kubectl --server=https://$(oc get route apiserver -n enmasse -o jsonpath=\"{}\") --insecure-skip-tls-verify"
- Register Broker in the Service Catalog:
sc create -f
At this point, the Service Catalog will contact the broker and retrieve the list of services the broker is providing.
- Check the status of the broker:
sc get broker -o yaml
- The
should say "Successfully fetched catalog from broker"
- Check if there are four service classes:
sc get serviceclasses
- The list should include a "queue" and a "topic" class as well as two "direct-*" classes
- Create a new project/namespace:
oc new-project my-messaging-project
- Create the service instance:
sc create -f -n my-messaging-project
- Check the service instance's status:
sc get instances -n my-messaging-project -o yaml
- The
should show "The instance was provisioned successfully"
- Verify the MaaS infra pods and the broker pod have been created:
- Login as admin:
oc login -u admin
- List projects:
oc get projects
- Find a project named like "enmasse-63a14329"
- List pods in said project:
oc get pods -n enmasse-63a14329
- One of the pods should be called "my-vanilla-queue-"
- Login as admin:
- Create the binding:
sc create -f -n my-messaging-project
- Verify the binding's status:
sc get bindings -n my-messaging-project -o yaml
- The
property should show "Injected bind result"
- Verify the secret has been created:
oc get secret my-vanilla-queue -o yaml
- Delete the binding:
sc delete binding my-vanilla-queue-binding
- Verify the secret has been deleted:
oc get secrets -n my-messaging-project
- Create the service instance:
sc create -f -n my-messaging-project
- Delete the instance object:
sc delete instance my-vanilla-queue -n my-messaging-project
- Verify the broker pod is terminating:
oc get pods -n enmasse-63a14329