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Crowdfunding App Built with Blockchain Technology

This is the final project of team 6 from the Encode Solidity Bootcamp (March 2023). You can view the live app here:

Smart Contract Part (Important notes)

  • Use "Sepolia" instead of "Goerli" in the project. We can experience transaction failures otherwise. In case you would need its Chain ID: 11155111.

  • Web3 Interface to interact with the smart contract:

  • Smart Contract Address: 0x15e361ED55dB122794Dc810A5f025ac0d0ECb371

  • Dotenv: You do not need to add your private key and deploy the smart contract 2nd time because the contract is already deployed. .env file has only PRIVATE_KEY constant used to deploy the contract.

To get started with the project, navigate to the project directory and run:

cd client

To run the client application, first install the required dependencies using:

npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the development server using:

npm run dev

This command will build the application and start a development server at http://localhost:5173/, where you can view the application in your browser. Any changes you make to the code will be automatically reloaded in the browser.

If you encounter any issues with vite, you may need to install it globally:

npm install -g vite