A love lib for generating a temporary sprite sheet.
Use it anywhere you would usually reference an asset. You don't need to wait to have visual assets to start spinning out some code.
- width required
If a number: the width of a single frame of the spritesheet. If a table: it should contain key/value pairs for the rest of the parameters. - height required
The height of a single frame of the spritesheet. - columns
The number of horizontal frames the spirtesheet should have. - rows
The number of vertical frames the spritesheet should have. - sprintstring
A formatted string with named parameters. See: Named Parameters with Formatting Codes for more information. Provided parameters are:column
The current horizontal column number of the spritesheet that the image is in.row
The current vertical row number of the spritesheet that the image is in.width
The width of the individual frame of the spritesheet.height
The height of the individual frame of the spritesheet.
- sprintvars
If it is a table: named elements that will be merged with the above provided vars. This can be used to insert custom elements into the sprintstring. If it is a string: it will replace the default "placeholder" line in the example string, this can be used to simply insert your info before the frame data. - fontcolor
The color of the font to use when drawing the text. - fillcolor
The color to make the placeholder background.
-- drop it in your project
placeholdme = require 'placeholdme'
function love.load()
local imageSource = placeholdme(100,50,3,4)
-- instead of 'image/path/here.png', just put a call to placeholdme
placeholder = love.graphics.newImage(imageSource)
function love.draw()
-- draw it like you would anything else
love.graphics.draw(placeholder, 0, 0)
-- drop it in your project
placeholdme = require 'placeholdme'
local parameters = {
width = 100,
height = 200,
columns = 3,
fillcolor = {58, 179, 54, 255}
-- set up what we're going to
local values = {
for _, pose in pairs(values) do
-- don't provide parameters we're not going to use
-- see: http://www.lua.org/pil/5.3.html
local idata = placeholdme{
width = 100,
height = 200,
columns = 3,
fillcolor = {58, 179, 54, 255},
sprintvars = pose
-- save the images to disk to prevent generating them again
idata:encode(pose:gsub("\n", "_")..'.png')
Output: imgur link