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William Moses committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent e0a3ec4 commit 3b78329
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Showing 3 changed files with 189 additions and 50 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ext/ReactantCUDAExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ function compiler_cache(ctx::MLIR.IR.Context)
return cache

Reactant.@overlay function CUDA.cufunction(f::F, tt::TT=Tuple{}; kwargs...) where {F,TT}
Reactant.@reactant_override function CUDA.cufunction(f::F, tt::TT=Tuple{}; kwargs...) where {F,TT}
@show "recufunction", f, tt
res = Base.@lock CUDA.cufunction_lock begin
# compile the function
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Interpreter.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ import Core.Compiler:

Base.Experimental.@MethodTable REACTANT_METHOD_TABLE

macro overlay(method_expr)
def = splitdef(method_expr)
def[:name] = Expr(:overlay, :(Reactant.REACTANT_METHOD_TABLE), def[:name])
return esc(combinedef(def))
function var"@reactant_override"(__source__::LineNumberNode, __module__::Module, def)
return Base.Experimental.var"@overlay"(
__source__, __module__, :(Reactant.REACTANT_METHOD_TABLE), def

function set_reactant_abi(
Expand Down
227 changes: 183 additions & 44 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,43 +39,183 @@ end

function call_with_reactant end

function rewrite_inst(inst)
@show inst
if Meta.isexpr(inst, :call)
rep = Expr(:call, call_with_reactant, inst.args...)
@show rep
return rep
return inst
# generate a LineInfoNode for the current source code location
macro LineInfoNode(method)
Core.LineInfoNode(__module__, method, __source__.file, Int32(__source__.line), Int32(0))

function call_with_reactant_generator(world::UInt, source::LineNumberNode, @nospecialize(F::Type), @nospecialize(N::Int), self, @nospecialize(f::Type), @nospecialize(args))

const REDUB_ARGUMENTS_NAME = gensym("redub_arguments")

function call_with_reactant_generator(world::UInt, source::LineNumberNode, self, @nospecialize(args))
@show f, args

@show args

stub = Core.GeneratedFunctionStub(identity, Core.svec(:methodinstance, :f, :args), Core.svec())
stub = Core.GeneratedFunctionStub(identity, Core.svec(:call_with_reactant, REDUB_ARGUMENTS_NAME), Core.svec())

# look up the method match
method_error = :(throw(MethodError(f, args, $world)))
builtin_error = :(throw(AssertionError("Unsupported call_with_reactant of builtin $args")))

if args[1] <: Core.Builtin
return stub(world, source, builtin_error)

method_error = :(throw(MethodError(args[1], args[2:end], $world)))

interp = ReactantInterpreter(; world)

mt = interp.method_table
sig = Tuple{args...}
lookup_result = Core.Compiler.findall(sig, Core.Compiler.method_table(interp)).matches

if lookup_result === nothing || lookup_result === missing
return stub(world, source, method_error)

matches = lookup_result.matches

sig = Tuple{F, args...}
min_world = Ref{UInt}(typemin(UInt))
max_world = Ref{UInt}(typemax(UInt))
match = ccall(:jl_gf_invoke_lookup_worlds, Any,
(Any, Any, Csize_t, Ref{Csize_t}, Ref{Csize_t}),
sig, mt, world, min_world, max_world)
match === nothing && return stub(world, source, method_error)
if length(matches) != 1
return stub(world, source, method_error)

match = matches[1]::Core.MethodMatch

# look up the method and code instance
mi = ccall(:jl_specializations_get_linfo, Ref{Core.MethodInstance},
(Any, Any, Any), match.method, match.spec_types, match.sparams)

result = Core.Compiler.InferenceResult(mi, Core.Compiler.typeinf_lattice(interp))
frame = Core.Compiler.InferenceState(result, #=cache_mode=#:global, interp)
src = Core.Compiler.retrieve_code_info(mi, world)

# prepare a new code info
code_info = copy(src)
method = match.method
static_params = match.sparams
signature = sig
is_invoke = args[1] === typeof(Core.invoke)

# propagate edge metadata
code_info.edges = Core.MethodInstance[mi]
code_info.min_world = lookup_result.valid_worlds.min_world
code_info.max_world = lookup_result.valid_worlds.max_world

code_info.slotnames = Any[:call_with_reactant, REDUB_ARGUMENTS_NAME, code_info.slotnames...]
code_info.slotflags = UInt8[0x00, 0x00, code_info.slotflags...]
#code_info.slotnames = Any[:call_with_reactant, REDUB_ARGUMENTS_NAME] #code_info.slotnames...]
#code_info.slotflags = UInt8[0x00, 0x00] # code_info.slotflags...]
n_prepended_slots = 2
overdub_args_slot = Core.SlotNumber(n_prepended_slots)

# For the sake of convenience, the rest of this pass will translate `code_info`'s fields
# into these overdubbed equivalents instead of updating `code_info` in-place. Then, at
# the end of the pass, we'll reset `code_info` fields accordingly.
overdubbed_code = Any[]
overdubbed_codelocs = Int32[]

# destructure the generated argument slots into the overdubbed method's argument slots.
n_actual_args = fieldcount(signature)
n_method_args = Int(method.nargs)
offset = 1
fn_args = Any[]
for i in 1:n_method_args
if is_invoke && (i == 1 || i == 2)
# With an invoke call, we have: 1 is invoke, 2 is f, 3 is Tuple{}, 4... is args.
# In the first loop iteration, we should skip invoke and process f.
# In the second loop iteration, we should skip the Tuple type and process args[1].
offset += 1
slot = i + n_prepended_slots
actual_argument = Expr(:call, Core.GlobalRef(Core, :getfield), overdub_args_slot, offset)
push!(overdubbed_code, :($(Core.SlotNumber(slot)) = $actual_argument))
push!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs[1])
code_info.slotflags[slot] |= 0x02 # ensure this slotflag has the "assigned" bit set
offset += 1

#push!(overdubbed_code, actual_argument)
push!(fn_args, Core.SSAValue(length(overdubbed_code)))

# If `method` is a varargs method, we have to restructure the original method call's
# trailing arguments into a tuple and assign that tuple to the expected argument slot.
if method.isva
if !isempty(overdubbed_code)
# remove the final slot reassignment leftover from the previous destructuring
trailing_arguments = Expr(:call, Core.GlobalRef(Core, :tuple))
for i in n_method_args:n_actual_args
push!(overdubbed_code, Expr(:call, Core.GlobalRef(Core, :getfield), overdub_args_slot, offset - 1))
push!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs[1])
push!(trailing_arguments.args, Core.SSAValue(length(overdubbed_code)))
offset += 1
push!(overdubbed_code, Expr(:(=), Core.SlotNumber(n_method_args + n_prepended_slots), trailing_arguments))
push!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs[1])
push!(fn_args, Core.SSAValue(length(overdubbed_code)))

#=== finish initialization of `overdubbed_code`/`overdubbed_codelocs` ===#

# substitute static parameters, offset slot numbers by number of added slots, and
# offset statement indices by the number of additional statements
@show code_info.code

@show n_prepended_slots
Base.Meta.partially_inline!(code_info.code, fn_args, method.sig, Any[static_params...],
n_prepended_slots, length(overdubbed_code), :propagate)
@show code_info.code

#callexpr = Expr(:call, Core.OpaqueClosure(ir), fn_args...)
#push!(overdubbed_code, callexpr)
#push!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs[1])

#push!(new_ci.code, Core.Compiler.ReturnNode(Core.SSAValue(length(overdubbed_code))))
#push!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs[1])

# original_code_start_index = length(overdubbed_code) + 1

append!(overdubbed_code, code_info.code)
append!(overdubbed_codelocs, code_info.codelocs)

@show overdubbed_code

for i in eachindex(overdubbed_code)
prev = overdubbed_code[i]
if Base.Meta.isexpr(prev, :call)
@show prev
@show prev.args[1]
@show prev.args[1] isa Core.IntrinsicFunction
if !(prev.args[1] isa Core.IntrinsicFunction)
overdubbed_code[i] = Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Reactant, :call_with_reactant), prev.args...)
@show "post", overdubbed_code[i]

#=== set `code_info`/`reflection` fields accordingly ===#

if code_info.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics === nothing
code_info.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics = method

code_info.code = overdubbed_code
code_info.codelocs = overdubbed_codelocs
code_info.ssavaluetypes = length(overdubbed_code)
code_info.ssaflags = [0x00 for _ in 1:length(overdubbed_code)] # XXX we need to copy flags that are set for the original code
self_result = Core.Compiler.InferenceResult(self_mi, Core.Compiler.typeinf_lattice(interp))

@show code_info

@show self
self_meths = Base._methods_by_ftype(Tuple{self, Vararg{Any}}, -1, world)
@show self_meths
self_method = (self_meths[1]::Core.MethodMatch).method
self_mi = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(self_method, Tuple{typeof(Reactant.call_with_reactant), sig.parameters...}, Core.svec())
@show self_mi
self_result = Core.Compiler.InferenceResult(self_mi, Core.Compiler.typeinf_lattice(interp))
frame = Core.Compiler.InferenceState(self_result, code_info, #=cache_mode=#:global, interp)
@assert frame !== nothing
Core.Compiler.typeinf(interp, frame)
@assert Core.Compiler.is_inferred(frame)
Expand All @@ -85,36 +225,37 @@ function call_with_reactant_generator(world::UInt, source::LineNumberNode, @nosp
# src = Core.Compiler.codeinfo_for_const(interp, frame.linfo, rt.val)
opt = Core.Compiler.OptimizationState(frame, interp)

ir = opt.src
@show ir
for (i, stmt) in enumerate(ir.stmts)
@show stmt


@show ir

caller = frame.result
@static if VERSION < v"1.11-"
ir = Core.Compiler.run_passes(opt.src, opt, caller)
ir = Core.Compiler.run_passes(ir, opt, caller)
ir = Core.Compiler.run_passes_ipo_safe(opt.src, opt, caller)
ir = Core.Compiler.run_passes_ipo_safe(ir, opt, caller)
Core.Compiler.ipo_dataflow_analysis!(interp, opt, ir, caller)
@show ir
for (i, inst) in enumerate(ir.stmts)
@static if VERSION < v"1.11"
Core.Compiler.setindex!(ir.stmts[i], rewrite_inst(inst[:inst]), :inst)
Core.Compiler.setindex!(ir.stmts[i], rewrite_inst(inst[:stmt]), :stmt)
@show ir
Core.Compiler.finish(interp, opt, ir, caller)

src = Core.Compiler.ir_to_codeinf!(opt)

new_ci = copy(src)
new_ci.slotnames = Symbol[Symbol("#self#"), :f, :args]
new_ci.edges = Core.MethodInstance[mi]
new_ci.min_world = min_world[]
new_ci.max_world = max_world[]
src = copy(src)
src.ssavaluetypes = length(src.code)

return new_ci
@show src

return src

@eval function call_with_reactant(f::F, args::Vararg{Any, N}) where {F, N}
@eval function call_with_reactant($REDUB_ARGUMENTS_NAME...)
$(Expr(:meta, :generated_only))
$(Expr(:meta, :generated, call_with_reactant_generator))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,12 +355,10 @@ function make_mlir_fn(

# TODO replace with `Base.invoke_within` if julia#52964 lands
# TODO fix it for kwargs
oc = call_with_reactant # Core.OpaqueClosure(ir)

if f === Reactant.apply
oc(f, traced_args[1], (traced_args[2:end]...,))
call_with_reactant(f, traced_args[1], (traced_args[2:end]...,))
oc(f, traced_args...)
call_with_reactant(f, traced_args...)

Expand Down

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