Based on Equalstreetnames of OpenKnowledge Belgium
We decided to do one part of the city first: Laim, which has Wikidata ID Q259879 . Go to [] and execute this query:
( area["wikidata"="Q259879"]; )->.a;
out body;
out skel qt;
Download with "export as geojson" to data/ways.geojson
. Now you can
# generate an alphabetical list of streets
cat data/ways.geojson | jq '.features[]' | sort -u > streetlist_laim
# get next 10 entries. Say you already did all from Z to K.
grep -B10 "Käthe-Bauer-Weg" data/streetlist_laim
We decide to tag "Kärntner Platz". We have the etymology infos in muenchenwiki . I think that there is a more authoritative source, but this one is quite convenient. We are quite lucky to have this.
Now you will either find a Wikipedia entry (case A), or not (case B). In both cases:
# Extract the OSM IDs of the street
STREET="Kärntner Platz"
cat data/ways.geojson | jq --arg street "$STREET" '.features[] | select($street) | .id'
# 158803943
For this street, we find one id. For Landsberger Straße in Laim, it is 90 IDs. In OpenStreetMap, find the Line with this ID.
Case A: This one is in Wikipedia. Go to the article, from there in the left hand side menu to the Wikidata object. Note Q37985. In OpenStreetMap, add a property name:etymology:wikidata
with this value. Upload. Later this tag will be used to pull the information into the map.
Case B: For "Käpflstraße", there is no Wikipedia article. There is no gender, and two OSM IDs. Add these lines to config.php:
'5080996' => '_', // Käpflstraße: nach der Münchner Kaufmannsfamilie Käpfl.
'420012960' => '_', // Käpflstraße: nach der Münchner Kaufmannsfamilie Käpfl.