The directory Deciphering_TME is for the reproducibility of the paper Deciphering Tumour Microenvironment of Liver Cancer through Deconvolution of Bulk RNA-seq Data with Single-cell Atlas
Prepocessed data can be downloaded
The script
shows how to retrieve expression matrix of a study from GEO database. The function SCAN in R package SCAN.UPC provides a one-step process to download the raw data (CEL files) and corrects the GC-content related bias.
The script
shows an example to transfer gene symbol with the R package BiomArt.
The script
shows an example to remove duplication of gene symbol in the expression matrix. For RNA-seq matrix, duplicated features are recommended to collapse with Summation strategy, while those for microarray studies are recommended to use MaxMean strategy.
The script
shows how to pack the expression matrix of scRNA-seq atlas into H5AD file.
The script
shows how to generate pseudobulk RNA-seq expression matrix for validation experiments.
The script in the directory
show the work flow to estimate the abundance of a specific cell type in bulk RNA-seq samples with support vector regression and single-cell RNA-seq atlas.
All the scripts in the directory
show the generation of figures in the main text and supplements.