C++ class that provides an interface for matrix-based computing.
• Can hold any class.
• Possibility to use GPU for calculations. [WIP] : currently, only multiplications and transpose are available.
• Fast conversion to std::vector<T>
to facilitate GPU-acceleration-based algorithms.
• Operators *
, +
and -
available as long as the template parameters provides these operators.
• Determinant, inverse, tranpose ,cofactormatrix, trace, mean, average.
• Classic fill
, zeroes
, ones
, eye
, randn
and rand
• Dynamic resizing (possibility to add, remove and inverst lines and / or columns).
• Fast reshaping (O(1)
• Possibility to directly print contents and size to stdout
or any std::ostream
• Possibility to override most functions in subclasses to increase performances in specific cases.
Type | Shortcut | |
Matrix<float> |
FMatrix |
Matrix<double> |
DMatrix |
Matrix<long double> |
LDMatrix |
Matrix<int> |
IMatrix |
Matrix<long int> |
LIMatrix |
Matrix<long long int> |
LLIMatrix |
Matrix<unsigned int> |
UIMatrix |
Matrix<unsigned long> |
ULMatrix |
Matrix<unsigned long long> |
ULLMatrix |
Matrix<char> |
CMatrix |
Matrix<unsigned char> |
UCMatrix |
Name | Contents | Description | Notes |
enum class ste::Matrix<>::Orientation |
Used to specify if a function needs to be applied to a row or a column. | This enum holds redundant members : LINE , RW , R are equivalent to ROW . COL , CL , C are equivalent to COLUMN . |
Name | Contents | Description | Notes |
enum class ste::EXE |
Used to specify the execution policy for a matrix. | See Paragraph Using the GPU for more details. This enum holds redundant members :, C , HOST are equivalent to CPU . G , DEVICE , are equivalent to GPU . |
N.B : ste::EXE::GPU
and its alias are only available if STE_MATRIX_ALLOW_GPU
is #define
Virtual functions are marqued [v].
Static functions are marqued [S].
Function | Description | |
Matrix |
Constructor. Can accept a size (rows , columns or same for both) , a std::vector<std::vector<T>> or a std::vector<T> and a size to construct a Matrix. |
Function | Description | Notes | |
size |
Returns the size of the matrix, as const std::vector<uint64_t> . |
columns |
Returns the number of columns of the matrix. | ||
rows |
Returns the number of rows of the matrix. | ||
lines |
Alias for 'rows' . |
device |
Returns the device on which the operations involving the matrix will be made. | ||
elements |
Returns the total number of elements in the matrix. | ||
clear |
Clears all the element in the matrix, and sets its size to (0 ; 0). | WARNING : MEMORY IS NOT FREED. | |
delete_all |
Calls 'delete' on every element, and sets the matrix size to (0 ; 0). |
Only available when T is dynamically allocated. |
Function | Description | |
is_row |
Returns true if the matrix is row, false otherwise. | |
is_line |
Alias for 'is_row' . |
is_column |
Returns true if the matrix is a column, false otherwise. | |
is_square |
Returns true if the matrix is square, false otherwise. | |
is_invertible |
Returns true if the matrix is invertible, false otherwise. | |
empty |
Returns true if the matrix is empty, false otherwise. |
Function | Description | |
at |
Returns the element at the index specified in argument. It is passed by reference when the matrix is non-const. Linear indexes can be used. | |
row_at |
Returns the row at the specified index. It is passed by reference when the matrix is non-const. | |
line_at |
Alias for 'row_at' . |
column_at |
Returns the column at the specified index. It is always passed by value. |
Function | Description | Notes | |
replace |
Replaces the element, the row or the column specified in argument by the value in last argument. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. |
replace_row |
Replaces a row by the one specified in argument. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. |
replace_line |
Alias for 'replace_row' . |
WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. |
replace_column |
Replaces a column by the one specified in argument. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. |
Function | Description | |
add |
Adds either a line or a column from a vector at the end of the matrix. | |
add_row |
Convenience function to add a row at the end of the matrix. | |
add_line |
Alias for 'add_row' . |
add_column |
Convenience function to add a column at the end of the matrix. | |
push_back |
Alias for 'add' . |
push_back_row |
Alias for 'add_row' . |
push_back_line |
Alias for 'add_line' . |
push_back_column |
Alias for 'add_column' . |
Function | Description | Notes | |
remove |
Removes either a line or a column at the position specified. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
remove_row |
Convenience function to remove a row at a specified position. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
remove_line |
Alias for 'remove_row'. |
WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
remove_column |
Convenience function to remove a column at a specified position. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
cut |
Removes the rows or columns specified. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
cut_rows |
Convenience function to remove the specified rows. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
cut_lines |
Alias for 'cut_rows' . |
WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. | |
cut_columns |
Convenience function to remove the specified columns. | WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed. |
Function | Description | |
insert |
Inserts either a line or a column at the position specified. | |
insert_row |
Convenience function to insert a line at a specified position. | |
insert_line |
Alias for 'insert_row' . |
insert column |
Convenience function to insert a column at a specified position. |
Function | Description | |
swap |
Swaps two lines or two columns at the positions specified. | |
swap_row |
Convenience function to swap two rows at a specified positions. | |
swap_line |
Alias for 'swap_row' . |
swap_column |
Convenience function to swap two columns at a specified positions. |
Function | Description | |
reshape |
Changes the matrix size to the one specified in argument. Throws an exception if the total number of elements in the new size does not match the current one. |
Function | Description | |
[v] | to_vector_2D |
Converts the matrix to std::vector<std::vector<T>> . |
to_vector_1D |
Converts the matrix to std::vector<T>& or const std::vector<T>& depending on the context. |
Function | Description | |
[v] | print |
Prints the contents of the matrix in the specified std::ostream. If not specified, it prints it in std::cout. |
[v] | print_size |
Prints the size of the matrix in the specified std::ostream. If not specified, it prints it in std::cout. |
Function | Description | |
[v] | begin_row |
Convenience function that returns 0 , to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible. |
begin_line |
Alias for 'begin_row' . |
[v] | begin_column |
Convenience function that returns 0 , to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible. |
[v] | end_row |
Convenience function that returns the number of lines, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible. |
end_line |
Alias for 'end_row' . |
[v] | end_column |
Convenience function that returns the number of columns, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible. |
Function | Description | Notes | |
for_each |
Analog to std::for_each. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix. | WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix. | |
transform |
Analog to std::transform. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix and modifies them according to its return value. | WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix. |
Function | Description | |
[v] | sum |
Returns the sum of all elements of the matrix, as T (meaning that overflow may occur). |
[v] | mean |
Returns the mean value of all elements of the matrix, as T (meaning that rounding error and overflow may occur). It is computed as sum() * (1./(rows()*columns())) . |
average |
Alias for mean() . |
[v] | max |
Returns the maximum element (according to std::max_element ) of the matrix. |
[v] | min |
Returns the minimum element (according to std::min_element ) of the matrix. |
Function | Description | |
trace |
Returns the trace of the matrix, computed as T (meaning that rounding error and overflow may occur). Throws an exception (std::invalid_argument) if the matrix is not square. |
[v] | det |
Returns the determinant of the matrix. Throws an exception (std::invalid_argument ) is the matrix is not square. |
cofactor |
Returns the cofactor of the specified line and column or linear index. Throws an exception if one of them is outside the matrix. | |
comatrix |
Returns the cofactor matrix. Convenience function that returns cofactormatrix() . |
cofactormatrix |
Returns the cofactor matrix. | |
transpose |
Returns the transpose of the matrix. | |
self_transpose |
Transposes current the matrix and returns a reference to it. | |
inv |
Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator! . |
inverse |
Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator! . |
[S] | invert |
Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator! . |
[S] | hadamard |
Returns the Hadamard product of two matrices. Throws an exception if the sizes do not match. |
element_wise |
Convenience function that returns the Hadamard product of two matrices. Calls hadamard . |
Function | Description | |
fill |
Resizes the matrix as specified in argument and fills it with the value chosen. | |
[S] | zeroes |
Returns a matrix of the specified dimensions and filled with T(0) . |
[S] | ones |
Returns a matrix of the specified dimensions and filled with T(1) . |
[S] | eye |
Returns the identity matrix of the size specified in argument. |
[S] | randn |
Creates a matrix of normally distributed numbers. |
[S] | uniform |
Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed real numbers. |
[S] | uniform_int |
Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed integers. |
[S] | rand |
Alias for 'uniform' . Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed numbers. |
Function | Description | |
operator= |
Assignment operator. Supports assignments from std::vector<std::vector<T>> and from other Matrix . |
operator+ |
Computes the addition of a Matrix with another (term by term). Also supports the addition of value in T . In that case, it is the same as adding a Matrix of the same size holding only the same value. |
operator+= |
Adds arg to all the elements of the Matrix , and returns a reference to it. |
[v] | operator* |
Computes the usual matrix product of two matrices or multiplies term by term by the T speficied. |
[v] | operator*= |
Multiplies the matrix by the argument using the usual matrux product definition (or term by term if the argument is a T ), and returns a reference to it. |
operator- |
Computes the substraction of two Matrix or substacts the T argument to all elements. |
operator-= |
Computes the term by term difference of the matrix and the argument, or substracts the T in argument to all elements. Returns a reference to the current object. |
[v] | operator! |
Returns the inverse of the matrix. |
[v] | operator^ |
Returns the matrix two the power specifed after the ^ (ex: a^2 returns a*a ). |
[v] | operator^= |
Raises the matrix to the specified power, and returns a reference to it. |
[v] | operator== |
Equality operator. Returns true only if both matrixes are of the same size, if all elements are identical and the same position. |
[v] | operator!= |
Returns the opposite of the result given by operator==. |
Function | Description | Notes | |
operator<< |
Prints the matrix to the specified std::ostream. | ||
for_each |
Analog to std::for_each. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix. | WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix. | |
transform |
Analog to std::transform. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix and modifies them according to its return value. | WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix. |
To use the GPU for the calculations, you must #define STE_MATRIX_ALLOW_GPU
Then, you only need to specify on which device (CPU or GPU) the calculations involving a matrix will be made.
ste::IMatrix mat(28 , 28 , 0 , ste::EXE::CPU); //Calculations involving 'mat' will be made using the CPU unless it involves a matrix that requires to use the GPU.
const ste::FMatrix mat2(300 , 300 , 128.1f , ste::EXE::GPU); //ALL calculations involving 'mat2' will be made using the GPU.
It is possible to change the execution policy during runtime :
ste::FMatrix mat2(300 , 300 , 128.1f , ste::EXE::GPU); //ALL calculations involving 'mat2' will be made using the GPU.
//Do stuff here
mat2.device() = ste::EXE::CPU; //Now computations involving this matrix will be made using the CPU, except the ones involving a matrix with GPU execution policy.
//Do stuff here
mat2.device() = ste::EXE::GPU; //Analog to above, but the other way.
On Windows, compiling CUDA requires you to : > Have it installed on your computer. > Use the Microsoft compiler (MSCV).
See /documentation for more details on how to use a CUDA-compatible GPU.
A sample of a Qt .pro file is available in the 'qmake' folder.
- Determinant calculated on GPU.
- Faster cofactormatrix.
- Transpose determined on GPU.
- Invert determined on GPU.
Developer / Tester : DUHAMEL Erwan ([email protected])
Tester : SOUDIER Jean ([email protected])