A simple OpenGl based Rendering library for visualizing Lidar Point Clouds & Depth Maps.
pip install DepthVisualizer
- Converting depth maps to point clouds
- Converting point clouds to voxel maps
- Visualizing 3D & 2D Bounding boxes
- Keyboard Controls
- Extracting rendered frame as numpy array
- Updating point cloud data real-time
- Methods for working with Kitti Dataset
Please refer to following repository for usage examples https://github.com/ErenBalatkan/DepthVisualizer-Examples
Key | Action |
W | Move Forward |
A | Move Left |
S | Move Right |
D | Move Back |
Left-Shift | Move Up (+z) |
Left-Control | Move Down (-z) |
Arrow Up | Turn Up |
Arrow Left | Turn Left |
Arrow Right | Turn Right |
Arrow Down | Turn Down |
1 | Enable Point Rendering |
2 | Disable Point Rendering |
3 | Enable Line Rendering |
4 | Disable Line Rendering |
5 | Enable Voxel Rendering |
6 | Disable Voxel Rendering |