Alias for ls with some defaults related to hyperlinking.
Shortcut for xdg-open
, primarily used to open urls.
echo ' | o
o '
Shortcut for xclip -out
, primarily used to paste into a pipe.
p | something
Shortcut for xclip -out -selection clipboard
, primarily used to paste into a pipe.
pc | something
Shortcut for exiting, usually used in combination with opening something, and closing the temporary terminal
echo ' | o && q
Shortcut to watch for filesystem changes and execute some comamnd.
w mvn test
Shortcut for xclip -in
, primarily used to copy from a previous command.
echo 'this is a test' | y
y 'this is a test'
Shortcut for xclip -in -selection clipboard
, same as y
except it puts the input onto your clipboard.
echo 'this is a test' | yc
yc 'this is a test'