Hi, I'm EricM and I make jewelry in Rhino3D. You may have seen me use some scripts I wrote in my YT videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/emarvets/
If you need help or have questions, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/EuNnuUQ6NU
- Save all the scripts to a specific folder (some scripts require other scripts to work).
- Run a script with:
-RunPythonScript "<your scripts folder>\FingerRail.py"
- Create aliases to call the scripts in Tools -> Options -> Aliases
For example, my scripts are located here:
And this is how my Rhino aliaseses are set:
This will create a circle based on US nominal finger sizes.
If you've measured your casting shrinkages for different investments, w:p ratios, etc, you can save those offsets in the script and apply them automatically:
I also like to throw my finger rails onto a special locked layer so I don't accidently scale them (MoveToLayer=True
If you want to change any of these settings, you can open FingerRail.py in Notepad and edit the #defaults you can edit
# defaults you can edit
# finger size
fingerSize = 7.0
# default offsets to counter act casting shrinkage
# make sure you have the same number of fields and values
offsetFields = ['Zero', 'Gypsum', 'Platinum']
offsetValues = [ 0.000, 0.125, 0.350]
# 0, 1, 2
selectedOffset = 1 #Gypsum
# move finger rail to a special layer and lock it
moveToLayer = True
layerName = '0'
layerColor = netColor.White
# end defaults you can edit
In older videos, you could see I had a bunch of default layers in my template. Now, I've started creating them on demand with CreateLayers.py. Just enter a parent name and you'll get a set of child layers with a HSV color scheme.
Check out some of the new videos to see how I use these.
This will probably work best with layers created by CreateLayers.py, but it recolors the layer and all sub layers to a new hue.