A companion library to Erinite/template which allows transformations to be written in a CSS-like DSL.
Add the following to your :dependencies
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First, the stylesheet, xforms.tss
div#name .first.name {
content: first-name;
div#name .last.name {
content: last-name;
ul.details {
clone-for: details;
ul.details li.details span {
content: text;
Now the code:
(require '[erinite.template.stylesheets :as tss])
(require '[erinite.template.core :as t])
;; A hiccup template
(def hiccup [:div
[:span "Details"]
[:a.link {:href "http://example.com"} "link"]]]
;; Transformation rules
(def transformations (tss/from-stylesheet (slurp "xforms.tss"))) ; <-- Stylesheet used here!
;; Compile the template and transformation rules to create a render function
(def render-template (t/compile-template hiccup transformations))
;; Render the template
(render-template {:first-name "Bob"
:last-name "Smith"
:details [{:text "Some text"}
{:text "Some more text"}]})
The call to render-template would output this transformed hiccup template:
[:div {}
[:div {:id "name"}
[:div {:class "first name"} "Bob"]
[:div {:class "last name"} "Smith"]]
[:ul {:class "details"}
[:li {:class "details"}
[:span {} "Some text"]
[:a {:class "link" :href "http://example.com"} "link"]]
[:li {:class "details"}
[:span {} "Some more text"]
[:a {:class "link" :href "http://example.com"} "link"]]]
[:div {:id "footer"}]])
It is also possible to turn a transformation map into a stylesheet:
(require '[erinite.template.stylesheets :as tss])
;; Transformation rules
(def transformations {[:div#name :.first.name] [:content :first-name]
[:div#name :.last.name] [:content :last-name]
[:ul.details] [:clone-for :details]
[:ul.details :li.details :span] [:content :text]})
(println (tss/to-stylesheet transformations))
This would output the stylesheet from above:
div#name .first.name {
content: first-name;
div#name .last.name {
content: last-name;
ul.details {
clone-for: details;
ul.details li.details span {
content: text;
This means that:
(def stylesheet (slurp "xforms.tss" )
(= (-> stylesheet tss/from-stylesheet)
(-> stylesheet tss/from-stylesheet tss/to-stylesheet tss/from-stylesheet))
Copyright © 2015 Daniel Kersten
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.